Not having internet sucks. I moved last month and have not yet set up any sort of internet access because, of course, I'm broke. But only for like one more week yay! Then I can post regularly and be more active on this site again. It's really frustrating because I submitted a set (keep your eyes open for it!) and I want to check when it goes up on the site as a set or as a member review. I'm also shooting a new set tomorrow that I'm really excited about. We've been talking about doing this set for a few months so I'm really excited to do it. She is one of the most talented people I know. She does photography and so much more. The SG party that she organized in Chicago last month was really awesome and I'm excited for next months party at the Exit. I'm also going to be heading up to Ohio again with Salome later this month for Havana Night. Fun times!
I can't believe we sat and played Bioshock from beginning to end today with no break! Had a blast! See you next week.
have fun shooting with Sioux!
cant wait to see the results