I haven't written anything here in a long time. I was sort of waiting for the drama to pass.
I also had to take some time and consider if I wanted to remain here since the site has evolved so much from how it began.
After thinking about it a bit, I decided that the whole frigging web has evolved from how it began, and...
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I also had to take some time and consider if I wanted to remain here since the site has evolved so much from how it began.
After thinking about it a bit, I decided that the whole frigging web has evolved from how it began, and...
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Happy Birthday!!!
happy birthday, moms.
the time has come to quit smoking. it's going to be ugly. don't look.
i've been listening to a fair amount of hype over the new social security plan.
my personal take is that is sucks, and it doesn't address the real problem - the number of jobs in the us with no benefits, and the increasingly apparent habit of business forcing out employees who are nearing retirement age, making their lives a living hell so they will quit...
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my personal take is that is sucks, and it doesn't address the real problem - the number of jobs in the us with no benefits, and the increasingly apparent habit of business forcing out employees who are nearing retirement age, making their lives a living hell so they will quit...
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i've become enamored of hip hop music recently. i am not sure why. i think it's because i saw a news blurb about an altercation at the vibe awards a couple of months back, and felt compelled to watch the rerun. footage was edited, but, while i waited, there was this one video about the rockaway that was wonderful.
so... i began catching odd moments...
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so... i began catching odd moments...
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Mark is home from Iraq, at last, but my life continues to be more complicated than it should be.
I think I'm depressed again, and am fighting the need for drugs to repair broken pyschobits.
I think I'm depressed again, and am fighting the need for drugs to repair broken pyschobits.
i really think four hurricanes in six weeks are more than anyone should have to deal with.
with mark in iraq, my stress levels were already off the charts.
it's just me and the kitties against the winds.
with mark in iraq, my stress levels were already off the charts.
it's just me and the kitties against the winds.
happy birfday

we had a hurricane. then we had another hurricane. we had no power or water or phone, no radio stations within 100 miles to give news.
now we are having another hurricane next week.
i have learned to make the grill work and shower with bottles of water. i prolly should have gone to burning man, at least i would have got to see interesting...
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now we are having another hurricane next week.
i have learned to make the grill work and shower with bottles of water. i prolly should have gone to burning man, at least i would have got to see interesting...
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i do not understand dating amongst the under 30 set.
or rather, lack of dating. i know so many young persons who seem unable to walk up to an attractive person - even an attractive person they KNOW - and suggest they spend time together.
it's so easy. all you do is say - "i'm thinking about going to X for dinner, would you like...
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or rather, lack of dating. i know so many young persons who seem unable to walk up to an attractive person - even an attractive person they KNOW - and suggest they spend time together.
it's so easy. all you do is say - "i'm thinking about going to X for dinner, would you like...
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fat babies are not ok! only skinny babies.
breast fed babies are naturally chubby
i've been wondering if this summer is going to last forever, and the answer is, yes it will, and the fall, too.
i have often wished there was a button you could push to clean the house.
I lit candles on the memorial type shelf I have for him. It has a clock over it, its his 30 year clock from Boeing. 2 pictures of him, one of him, myself, and my mother's father and some candles. I burn them on his birthday and the anniversary of his death. I didn't spend much time sad. A rememberance of his birth was the way to go for me. It makes me happy. I'm sure glad he was alive
Not just for my life purposes, I would have been birthed elsewhere without him, to someone else. But I'm glad I was his daughter. Plus, a lot of sadness left me after I had my son. They are so similar its uncanny.
When I was pregnant with Marshall I craved shellfish, big fat glasses of chocolate milk (never just milk, but milk with just enough syrup to make it gritty) and nectarines. My pregnancy was pretty lonely (that's when me and his father were splitting up). But we had lovely moments alone, mostly in the bath tub. Where I'd watch him move, all the while my body was relieved by the whole boyancy thing. I wish I had spent more time happy.

When I was pregnant with Marshall I craved shellfish, big fat glasses of chocolate milk (never just milk, but milk with just enough syrup to make it gritty) and nectarines. My pregnancy was pretty lonely (that's when me and his father were splitting up). But we had lovely moments alone, mostly in the bath tub. Where I'd watch him move, all the while my body was relieved by the whole boyancy thing. I wish I had spent more time happy.
havent we all
lets cross our fingers they make that button soon!
Im sure it'll one day come about- imagine how much easier they ahve made things already.. i mean...com' on we have du du dun! the swifer wet jet!!
cant get much better than that.. and the dish washer.. now the only trick is getting the dishwasher to load it's self too! -Karoke is fun, why havent you been back to do it again? -too bay you dont live here- we could karoke the night away! bow chicka bow.

politics, schmolitics...
each and every one of the candidates owes somebody reprehensible some favor that is not in the best interest of the american economy.
because, let's face it, that's what this election is all about - money. not power, because money is what makes power in this global bank.
kerry can only get elected if he chooses hilary clinton as his running mate, and...
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each and every one of the candidates owes somebody reprehensible some favor that is not in the best interest of the american economy.
because, let's face it, that's what this election is all about - money. not power, because money is what makes power in this global bank.
kerry can only get elected if he chooses hilary clinton as his running mate, and...
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Used to work at a medical office in Inverness. May be moving to Crystal River soon. Gotta go - Tired.