Southern Louisiana is drowning and it's turning into fucking Lord of the Flies down there!
As if it wasn't bad enough that disaster relief has been unforgivably slow in coming and inefective in distribution, relief efforts are now complicated by by roving gangs of thugs. The looting didn't bother me much in and of itself - some people were getting needed supplies, and some idiot thugs will always take advantage of the situation. But getting away with more and more over the last few days, as well as stealing more weapons, has now emboldened the worst elements in a city that has an extreme problem with violent crime to begin with. Fucking idiots. I only pray we can get everyone who wants to leave out ASAP - there have been too many deaths already, far more than necisarry IMHO. Leave the rest of the fuckers there to rot for a bit - I assume it will be easier to secure the pumping stations and repair crews than the whole city, at least until they get the water out and the main roads cleared.
I've been ranting a lot. A lot of my family and friends have lost their homes, and I have friends that didn't make it out in time who I haven't heard from yet.
We're working out finding temporary homes for everyone, but it's been a really rough week for me. And the news from the outlying parishes, where they have been getting almost no aid until just recently, has been breaking my heart. So many deaths that should have been prevented. So much loss and devestation.

As if it wasn't bad enough that disaster relief has been unforgivably slow in coming and inefective in distribution, relief efforts are now complicated by by roving gangs of thugs. The looting didn't bother me much in and of itself - some people were getting needed supplies, and some idiot thugs will always take advantage of the situation. But getting away with more and more over the last few days, as well as stealing more weapons, has now emboldened the worst elements in a city that has an extreme problem with violent crime to begin with. Fucking idiots. I only pray we can get everyone who wants to leave out ASAP - there have been too many deaths already, far more than necisarry IMHO. Leave the rest of the fuckers there to rot for a bit - I assume it will be easier to secure the pumping stations and repair crews than the whole city, at least until they get the water out and the main roads cleared.
I've been ranting a lot. A lot of my family and friends have lost their homes, and I have friends that didn't make it out in time who I haven't heard from yet.

thanks for the welcome pookie!