It's true. Taste is one of my gifts
What are you wearing says the creepster in me
Red dress. Black ankle boots. Wild hair. Take me on a night drive.
Windows down. Soul and good Country and stars.
P l e a s e though.
Then you sing for me.
Definitely a song bird.
what would you sing for me?
I'm On Fire
good choice. coo that in my ear and let your hand run the line of my neck
Tracing you
Finding me
looking for fire in my veins
tapping two times on my cheek before kissing me
tell me a secret and tie it to the moon
gentle gentle pausing before...
my hand finds your soft neck pleasing my cruel intentions
you are wet and wishing

It's always nice to read your poetry. Did you listen to "Your Heart is as Black as Night"?
I did. And they do a version of "I'll Take Care Of You" that is pretty good.