Downed a bottle of Cava at home.
Got to the Alibi about two minutes ago
and some woman is making a long-winded excuse about how her singing voice
is tired, ragged.
Gaaahhh!! and
she sings
like a SECOND-rate Cher,
froggy and flat-assed.
My Hall & Oates won't be so bad.
Need that second drink.
Tired, too.
A thing or two is gonna happen tonight.
Here's that drink. My turn to sing.
It's not even faintly ridiculous.
Oh no.
Don't you know
it ain't always this easy.

Happy Birthday, John
Downed a bottle of Cava at home.
Got to the Alibi about two minutes ago
and some woman is making a long-winded excuse about how her singing voice
is tired, ragged.
Gaaahhh!! and
she sings
like a SECOND-rate Cher,
froggy and flat-assed.
My Hall & Oates won't be so bad.
Need that second drink.
Tired, too.
A thing or two is gonna happen tonight.
Here's that drink. My turn to sing.
It's not even faintly ridiculous.
Oh no.
Don't you know
it ain't always this easy.

Happy Birthday, John