Why JC is my numero uno friend on MySpace.
"Message from the Jesus Christ myspace page...
Body: Thanks to all who have added Jesus Christ as your myspace friend. We ask that you also add Jesus Christ as first in your top friends so that you can share the gospel with everyone who visits your page.
In case you are wondering about the authenticity of this myspace site, this page is devoted to bringing only the message of Jesus Christ as is found in the Bible. The entire page consists of nothing but biblical scripture. The creators of this site DO NOT claim to be Jesus Christ, but only wish to bring Biblically based facts about Jesus to the myspace world.
Due to the large amount of comments and messages recieved by our friends, WE CANNOT respond to all of them. The Jesus Christ myspace page is not an organized ministry with a staff. However, if you need Christian advice we recommend the following confidential helpline: 1-877-949-HELP. Rest assured that this helpline is indeed confidential and is toll free. The helpline is open weekdays betwen 7 PM and 1 AM. For biblical reference, please use the search tool on our page or go to www.biblegateway.com
Thanks & God bless,
The Jesus Christ Myspace Page"
Yes, this is real. Wipe the tars from your eyes and share with a friend.
We live in a wonderful world.
"Message from the Jesus Christ myspace page...
Body: Thanks to all who have added Jesus Christ as your myspace friend. We ask that you also add Jesus Christ as first in your top friends so that you can share the gospel with everyone who visits your page.
In case you are wondering about the authenticity of this myspace site, this page is devoted to bringing only the message of Jesus Christ as is found in the Bible. The entire page consists of nothing but biblical scripture. The creators of this site DO NOT claim to be Jesus Christ, but only wish to bring Biblically based facts about Jesus to the myspace world.
Due to the large amount of comments and messages recieved by our friends, WE CANNOT respond to all of them. The Jesus Christ myspace page is not an organized ministry with a staff. However, if you need Christian advice we recommend the following confidential helpline: 1-877-949-HELP. Rest assured that this helpline is indeed confidential and is toll free. The helpline is open weekdays betwen 7 PM and 1 AM. For biblical reference, please use the search tool on our page or go to www.biblegateway.com
Thanks & God bless,
The Jesus Christ Myspace Page"
Yes, this is real. Wipe the tars from your eyes and share with a friend.
We live in a wonderful world.
where have u been hiding...?