I <3 Columbus.
So cute.
Still have major work to do on the apartment, but that's tough to do when my roommate Heather is working at Jeni's all the time!
I start my training in 10 days and she'll be my boss which is going to make work killer.
At least our freezer will always be stocked with delicious flavors! Yummy.
Heather has an adorable kitty named Mumu. She and Coco are getting along without a hitch which is awesome!
Mumu is a boy, but we call her "girl" to keep the house unified. 4 women! Yes!
We have so much artwork hung and more to hang where that came from. Heather is a painter and going to grad school in August at LSU, only giving me 4 months to live with her
Then I'll have to find another roommate I guess. Sad times.
But until then we're going to have such radical fun.
Heather's art space.

My sanctuary.

Heather and Mumu cooking dinner.

Coco relaxing.

Mumu is such a lap cat

She likes to sit on me and just stare! Precious little baby.

I've gotten really nice responses from both Alive Magazine and 614. I'm sure there's a non-compete contract with freelancers, so I think I may need to make a choice in the end on which to write for; if they both want me that is! Ah, I hope they do. I have a meeting with the editor from Alive on the 19th, so I really hope that works out well. And the crew at 614 are rad and super nice. Hmm, we'll see how that pans out!
If anybody from Columbus wants to show me some sweet spots that would be appreciated!
I love Bodega and obviously Surly Girl and Betty's, but living as close as I do to Bodega is going to be dangerous! Thank god I'll be doing a lot of walking around these parts to compensate for the added beer and ice cream I'm going to be consuming in the near future. 
Can't wait to get a bicycle! Gotta do that this week!
I also live two blocks away from an adorable park, so I have to get Coco a little harness and leash so I can take her with me! She used to have a mesh, rainbow tie-dyed vest of sorts I would attach her leash to, but she chewed the hell out of it because she hated it so much. Probably the ugly pattern. Sorry Coco! That was all they had! I'll do better this time.
So cute.
Still have major work to do on the apartment, but that's tough to do when my roommate Heather is working at Jeni's all the time!

At least our freezer will always be stocked with delicious flavors! Yummy.
Heather has an adorable kitty named Mumu. She and Coco are getting along without a hitch which is awesome!
Mumu is a boy, but we call her "girl" to keep the house unified. 4 women! Yes!
We have so much artwork hung and more to hang where that came from. Heather is a painter and going to grad school in August at LSU, only giving me 4 months to live with her

Then I'll have to find another roommate I guess. Sad times.
But until then we're going to have such radical fun.
Heather's art space.

My sanctuary.

Heather and Mumu cooking dinner.

Coco relaxing.

Mumu is such a lap cat

She likes to sit on me and just stare! Precious little baby.

I've gotten really nice responses from both Alive Magazine and 614. I'm sure there's a non-compete contract with freelancers, so I think I may need to make a choice in the end on which to write for; if they both want me that is! Ah, I hope they do. I have a meeting with the editor from Alive on the 19th, so I really hope that works out well. And the crew at 614 are rad and super nice. Hmm, we'll see how that pans out!

If anybody from Columbus wants to show me some sweet spots that would be appreciated!

Can't wait to get a bicycle! Gotta do that this week!
I also live two blocks away from an adorable park, so I have to get Coco a little harness and leash so I can take her with me! She used to have a mesh, rainbow tie-dyed vest of sorts I would attach her leash to, but she chewed the hell out of it because she hated it so much. Probably the ugly pattern. Sorry Coco! That was all they had! I'll do better this time.
so lovely to finally meet you, pretty lady! <3