It's me. Burned out from work and in a spinning state of delirium.
I have made a decision that it is only acceptable for me to post any photographs of me shirtless on on SG...and not on the other various forms of internet connectedness.

Listening to Aladdin Sane. Feeling a bit down...and a little bit torn.
My best girl and amazing friend Becca (Boog) helped me "audition" for SG back in 2005. The sets were rejected [the first for the use of fake blood...been done.] [the second...too dark, not in content, but in lighting].
In any case Boog died tragically in a skateboarding accident November 20th of '05 and I sort of didn't feel right letting anyone else take naked photos of I let SG go. Four years later I'm back in the swing of this baby and craving a second go. Plus I got my Bettie tattoo for her, so it would be nice to flash it off. Ah. What to do!? Monroe is totally supportive and says I should go for the gold. We'll see I guess. Looking at AlissaBrunelli's photos from the Havana party it made me totally jelly I wasn't an SG and partaking in the fun!
Oh well, here I sit for now. On my favorite window seat in the world. Surfing the web, reading MISSBEHAVE and drinking iced tea.
Gotta get back to a normal sleep schedule.
Thank god I'm off tomorrow. Hopefully Monroe and I will get together and do the final run through for Hussy Magazine...we're being persistent!
Keep up the great sets!