everything sg

The place to talk, ask questions, and make suggestions about SG and everything related to it: the site, the merch, the live shows, and more! Announcements made here.

Politics & Current Affairs

A place for people to discuss their Politics and Current Affairs. A place for all opinions from all parties to bring their talks to each other. Please be respectful and civil!


Admit it--you keep a toothbrush and a change of clothes in the greenroom, because chances are you're sleeping in the theatre again tonight.

film club

Film, movies, cinema, whatever you want to call it! Please don't spoil anything!

Adult Film and Photography

This is for mature talk on Adult film and art, as well as good quality content. Must be an active member on the site to be accepted. All models are accepted. No spam allowed here!!

club eighties

A group dedicated to everything 80s from music to movies, toys, events and more! We are young, heartache to heartache we stand. Love is a battlefield but Club Eighties is a non-stop party.