Happy news: I bought a new car last night... well, a new used car. It's so pretty - a 2002 Saab.
The hurricane is scaring me a little this time. I usually don't get nervous b/c I've been through this so many times, but this time I am. As of now, I am still supposed to work tomorrow although my boss is OK with us taking off... We'll see. I have a deadline to meet regardless of the storm, so I should probably work.
Oooh, sixfeetunder got me the CD and DVD for The Dreamers. I know a lot of people weren't into it, but it was everything I want from a film: a French setting, several languages, a great soundtrack, sex, rebellion, passion,... Oh, and Michael Pitt.
OK, here are your questions:
1) Name one film with a great soundtrack.
Velvet Goldmine
2) What's the sexiest language?
French (then Italian), but they sound best in female voices. I English-speaking boys.
3) Would you suck on Michael Pitt's lips?
Stay safe, everyone!

The hurricane is scaring me a little this time. I usually don't get nervous b/c I've been through this so many times, but this time I am. As of now, I am still supposed to work tomorrow although my boss is OK with us taking off... We'll see. I have a deadline to meet regardless of the storm, so I should probably work.
Oooh, sixfeetunder got me the CD and DVD for The Dreamers. I know a lot of people weren't into it, but it was everything I want from a film: a French setting, several languages, a great soundtrack, sex, rebellion, passion,... Oh, and Michael Pitt.

OK, here are your questions:
1) Name one film with a great soundtrack.
Velvet Goldmine
2) What's the sexiest language?
French (then Italian), but they sound best in female voices. I English-speaking boys.
3) Would you suck on Michael Pitt's lips?

Stay safe, everyone!

2. English language--male texas accent..not the gw kind, the matthew mcconahey kind.
3. who? *heads off to do search on internet