Thanks to all of you who have joined Leggy Grrls so far - especially Azrael_Abyss because she was our first member.
I just got new glasses b/c my eyes burn from wearing contacts while on the computer and proofreading all day at work... I am trying to get used to wearing them in public, but I'm not quite there yet... So what do you think? Yes or Hell no?
Work Face - Not Smiling
Nonwork Face - Smiling
We saw The Bourne Supremacy last night - liked it a lot... like Matt Damon a lot.
This is early notice, but I promised to plug a show my friends are doing at Theatre Downtown in Orlando - ROCKY HORROR!!! Two of the inspirations for this production are Velvet Goldmine (HOT!) and Marat/Sade (which I haven't seen yet, but anything with Marquis de Sade as the subject cannot be boring). Anyhow, plan to see Josh as a Phantom and Sarah as Janet in October or November! Pretty please!
More questions for you...
1) What are you currently reading? If nothing, what's the last book you read?
A. M. Home's The Safety of Objects
2) What are you currently listening to?
The alternative music station on TV... The new Hives song just ended, and some whiney guy is singing some whiney song now.
3) It's raining here as usual. What's your favorite thing to do when it's raining?
Snuggle up with sixfeetunder, my cats, and my favorite pillow while watching a movie or reading a book.
Have a lovely rest-of-the-weekend!
~ gigi
I just got new glasses b/c my eyes burn from wearing contacts while on the computer and proofreading all day at work... I am trying to get used to wearing them in public, but I'm not quite there yet... So what do you think? Yes or Hell no?
Work Face - Not Smiling
Nonwork Face - Smiling
We saw The Bourne Supremacy last night - liked it a lot... like Matt Damon a lot.
This is early notice, but I promised to plug a show my friends are doing at Theatre Downtown in Orlando - ROCKY HORROR!!! Two of the inspirations for this production are Velvet Goldmine (HOT!) and Marat/Sade (which I haven't seen yet, but anything with Marquis de Sade as the subject cannot be boring). Anyhow, plan to see Josh as a Phantom and Sarah as Janet in October or November! Pretty please!
More questions for you...
1) What are you currently reading? If nothing, what's the last book you read?
A. M. Home's The Safety of Objects
2) What are you currently listening to?
The alternative music station on TV... The new Hives song just ended, and some whiney guy is singing some whiney song now.
3) It's raining here as usual. What's your favorite thing to do when it's raining?
Snuggle up with sixfeetunder, my cats, and my favorite pillow while watching a movie or reading a book.
Have a lovely rest-of-the-weekend!
~ gigi
1. LOrca-Dali- El amor que no pudo ser
2. Skinny Puppy-Ministry, Pj Harvey
3. A good movie like 21grams or Open your eyes..
Love Kerrie Marrie and Lorna Morgan