Well, I've been a member for so long now, and I never posted in my journal. I always felt very shy about that... finally, I feel more and more that I want to reply to journals and I feel it would be inappropriate without me having one. So here it goes. I guess I'll be more and more active in this wonderful community.
To end this senseless blabla, let's say I'm just a living proof of the cliché that swiss people are slow. Which is quite wrong anyway.
Well lately I've been working like a crazy animal doing 3D stuff and Flash apps for ridiculously demanding clients. I feel a bit burn-out these days. As a result, my girlfriend and I decided in a rush to go for a 3 week vacation in California in a month!! We still don't know how we're gonna pay this but fuck it, we need it. So it will be again one of those drive-and-rest trips. Great. I look so much forward to it!! These amazing landscapes you have there, you can't imagine how lucky you are. All we know is that we're landing in Frisco, a car with a good CD player is reserved, and we have to be back at the same place 3 weeks later...in the meantime, anything can happen. I FEEL SO EXCITED!!!
Does anyone have a time-travel machine? Please...
To end this senseless blabla, let's say I'm just a living proof of the cliché that swiss people are slow. Which is quite wrong anyway.
Well lately I've been working like a crazy animal doing 3D stuff and Flash apps for ridiculously demanding clients. I feel a bit burn-out these days. As a result, my girlfriend and I decided in a rush to go for a 3 week vacation in California in a month!! We still don't know how we're gonna pay this but fuck it, we need it. So it will be again one of those drive-and-rest trips. Great. I look so much forward to it!! These amazing landscapes you have there, you can't imagine how lucky you are. All we know is that we're landing in Frisco, a car with a good CD player is reserved, and we have to be back at the same place 3 weeks later...in the meantime, anything can happen. I FEEL SO EXCITED!!!
Does anyone have a time-travel machine? Please...