Last night was yowza!
Started having sex like we usually do then the hubby did something that shocked me, he went down on me!
In the past he gave a few licks then stopped, this happened three times, but last night he went wild and crazy and really got into it. He even stopped during regular sex to do it some more.
This from a guy who said he didn't like to give oral. I asked what had gotten into him and he said he didn't know. But whatever happened I hop he keeps it up

Started having sex like we usually do then the hubby did something that shocked me, he went down on me!
In the past he gave a few licks then stopped, this happened three times, but last night he went wild and crazy and really got into it. He even stopped during regular sex to do it some more.
This from a guy who said he didn't like to give oral. I asked what had gotten into him and he said he didn't know. But whatever happened I hop he keeps it up

also, nice going with the oral! but that's so strange that he's never been too into it. I mean a lot of guys aren't but it's your hubby. oh well. guess it just took him a bit of time to come around. certainly your gain now! hahaha.