I really want to go walking and apply to places near by that I can easily walk to............................ to fearful to go into a place and ask if they are hiring, especially by myself.......................no money to go to online school to do legit work at home jobs.......................no other work at home jobs, they are all scams.......................lent my mom some mags for vacation, she didn't bring them back and I didn't read them yet........................................have a new fear of actually getting/having a real job.......................never had a real job before............................would sell my stuff to stores on consignment..................too scared to ask anyone especially by myself..............maybe I am just not meant to have a real job.............................so then how do I make some money?................
its always scary going in and asking if a place is hiering but once you go to a couple it gets less scary. i always see work from home stuff in the news paper but they all seem like scams. if you dont want to go to the places to ask if they will do the consignment on your stuff you make maybe you could look up there store on the internet and email them about it first and if they want to see it then it would be less scary/ akward because you already know they want to see your stuff.
Have you visited the doctor yet? They might be able to help. It might be worth looking if there are any local confidence building groups or similar?