All OK on the acne front, it happens to be very normal to break out after laser treatments especially on "virgin skin" (a s in never been waxed or lased before, so me) She used a really big word with follicle in it but basically the hair follicles are over stimulated and go coo-coo. And with each treatment it will be less and less. And today it is clearing up a bit. I was told to put hydro cortisone on it, and it also is good for regular pimples too.
Today I have my boobies ultra sound to check out the lumps and bumps. Please send good vibes my way. Then in a few weeks I go to the boobies doctor so she can tell me what's what from the ultrasound. Just a bit nervous, but I am sure it's just normal boobies tissue and that I am overreacting. But I would go nuts if I never knew what was up.
Today I have my boobies ultra sound to check out the lumps and bumps. Please send good vibes my way. Then in a few weeks I go to the boobies doctor so she can tell me what's what from the ultrasound. Just a bit nervous, but I am sure it's just normal boobies tissue and that I am overreacting. But I would go nuts if I never knew what was up.
everything will be fine miss giggles!