Hmmm what should I write here? Ooo yeahdifferent boyfriend, different job(bartending) to make money while pursuing my photography, in just five days I will be living in a different state, made a boy have a nervous breakdown (and I am gladhe drove me up the walls long enough), without even trying I made my mom cry (because I moved out), found a new subject to take pictures of which has become abit stalkish and has lead me to almost getting my head shot off by some dealers (hopefully they werent serious), found out spunk is the worst shit to wash out of your hair, found I like commando way better, have a Chester cat grin plaster on my face which makes everyone around me nervous not knowing what I am up to, found revenge to be sweet and well deserve by others, grew up about a quarter inch and last but not least found swiping platinum credit cards to be quite addictive.
Hmmm what should I write here? Ooo yeahdifferent boyfriend, different job(bartending) to make money while pursuing my photography, in just five days I will be living in a different state, made a boy have a nervous breakdown (and I am gladhe drove me up the walls long enough), without even trying I made my mom cry (because I moved out), found a new subject to take pictures of which has become abit stalkish and has lead me to almost getting my head shot off by some dealers (hopefully they werent serious), found out spunk is the worst shit to wash out of your hair, found I like commando way better, have a Chester cat grin plaster on my face which makes everyone around me nervous not knowing what I am up to, found revenge to be sweet and well deserve by others, grew up about a quarter inch and last but not least found swiping platinum credit cards to be quite addictive.

happy happy birthday cutie!!!
Happy Birthday!!!