Why do ppl think I am sad when really I am fine?

RadioBuni: hey u
loOkKintomE: hey sweetie
RadioBuni: :-P
loOkKintomE: i am just back
RadioBuni: cool
RadioBuni: ho was that?
loOkKintomE: sorry was eating something (almost time, it's 1 AM)
RadioBuni: how*
loOkKintomE: wedding was cool
loOkKintomE: weird
loOkKintomE: but fun
RadioBuni: cool
loOkKintomE: how are you ?????????
RadioBuni: good
loOkKintomE: cool
loOkKintomE: :-)
loOkKintomE: what have you been up to ?
RadioBuni: stuff
loOkKintomE: c'mon, tell me
RadioBuni: hmmmmmmm
loOkKintomE: hey you know you want to... it sounds like good news !
RadioBuni: lol
RadioBuni: no not really
RadioBuni: heh
loOkKintomE: tell me tell me
RadioBuni: i busted my ankel
loOkKintomE: no way !!
loOkKintomE: how ?
RadioBuni: skating
loOkKintomE: excellent !!
RadioBuni: ooooooo kkkkkkkk
loOkKintomE: i'm crap at skating, sadly
RadioBuni: ooo
loOkKintomE: too old i guess
RadioBuni: nah
loOkKintomE: ok now tell me how you've been
loOkKintomE: for real
RadioBuni: Ive been ok
RadioBuni: nothing really to say
RadioBuni: abit numb thats all
loOkKintomE: why ?
RadioBuni: I am not really sure
RadioBuni: just am
loOkKintomE: tell me
RadioBuni: I dont know lol
loOkKintomE: you know that you know
RadioBuni: no really I dont
loOkKintomE: c'mon sweetie
RadioBuni: if I did I would fix it
RadioBuni: I am being serious
RadioBuni: I dont know
loOkKintomE: what's bugging you then ?
RadioBuni: nothing at all
RadioBuni: I just dont care about anything
loOkKintomE: you're being tough
loOkKintomE: i know you care
RadioBuni: eh not really
loOkKintomE: about EVERYTHING
RadioBuni: shit happens and life goes on
RadioBuni: thats my motto these days
loOkKintomE: yep
loOkKintomE: so what happened ?
RadioBuni: so I move on and try not to complain
RadioBuni: nothing yet
RadioBuni: my last batch of friends are moving on tuesday
loOkKintomE: you don't wanna say, heh ?
RadioBuni: so that sucks
loOkKintomE: explain
RadioBuni: I will be alone after that
RadioBuni: my last two freinds out here are moving
loOkKintomE: where are they going ?
RadioBuni: one is traveling threw sweden
RadioBuni: and the other is going in the army
loOkKintomE: eeeeekk
loOkKintomE: that does suck
RadioBuni: yea
loOkKintomE: why the army ?????
RadioBuni: bc hes stupid :-X
RadioBuni: i dotn know
RadioBuni: dont*
loOkKintomE: must be... I mean, the army is probably the worst place to go to
RadioBuni: yea i know
loOkKintomE: you've got something on your mind
RadioBuni: I do?
loOkKintomE: why don't you tell me ?
loOkKintomE: yes
RadioBuni: why do u say that?
loOkKintomE: you don't sound like the other times
RadioBuni: ah I am fine
RadioBuni: read my journal
RadioBuni: I am fine
loOkKintomE: you "sound" far away
RadioBuni: I am far away
loOkKintomE: and i don't believe you
RadioBuni: :-(
RadioBuni: lol
RadioBuni: i think u making this more then it is
loOkKintomE: i don't like to think you're sad
RadioBuni: no I am not
loOkKintomE: just a fact
loOkKintomE: good
RadioBuni: I am happier then I usally am
RadioBuni: I havent cried for two weeks
loOkKintomE: but still, you seem to be pre-occupied
RadioBuni: thats a record
RadioBuni: nope I am not
loOkKintomE: *impressed*
RadioBuni: u should be
loOkKintomE: yes you are
loOkKintomE: i am
RadioBuni: I am not sad nor extreemly happy
RadioBuni: I am just there
loOkKintomE: so tell me what's bothering you !!
RadioBuni: I am not sure
RadioBuni: when I know I will tell u
loOkKintomE: awwww come on, i'm sure you know
loOkKintomE: and don't have two conversations at the same time !
RadioBuni: hu?
RadioBuni: what are u talking about?
RadioBuni: ur the only person I am talking too
loOkKintomE: you are not here with me
loOkKintomE: somehow
RadioBuni: no kidding
loOkKintomE: i believe you
RadioBuni: lol
loOkKintomE: but you seem million miles away
RadioBuni: I am
RadioBuni: lol
RadioBuni: ::hugs::
loOkKintomE: :-*
RadioBuni: ::giggles::
RadioBuni: sorry I feel distant. . . I am not trying to be
loOkKintomE: not to worry
loOkKintomE: i feel for you, that's all
RadioBuni: heh why are u feeling sorry for me
loOkKintomE: so it's part of it all if i'm worried
RadioBuni: I am not sad
RadioBuni: ::sighs:
loOkKintomE: i'm not feeling sorry for you
loOkKintomE: but still you don't wanna tell me what's wrong
loOkKintomE: i'm sure you've got something on your mind
RadioBuni: nothing is wrong
RadioBuni: nothing is really on my mind
RadioBuni: I am just wasting space this momment in time
loOkKintomE: don't say that, you're not
RadioBuni: uh huh i f u say so
RadioBuni: lol
loOkKintomE: won't you tell me what's ailing you
RadioBuni: nothing is
loOkKintomE: you're SO NOT wasting MY time
RadioBuni: I dont let anything bother me any more
RadioBuni: so I am fine
loOkKintomE: i don't like the way you sound depressed
loOkKintomE: i know this tone way too much
RadioBuni: i do?
loOkKintomE: yes
RadioBuni: hmmmmmm
RadioBuni: I dont think I am
loOkKintomE: what are your plans for the next few days/weeks ?
RadioBuni: well first to get my leg better and to just spend as much time with krist and daniel before there gone
loOkKintomE: what's with your leg ?
RadioBuni: my ankel is all messed up and my knee also
RadioBuni: I always do someting messed up to it every summer
RadioBuni: its nothing new
loOkKintomE: how ? why ? only skating ?
loOkKintomE: gotta be careful, this shit lasts longer than you think !
RadioBuni: I was tick tacking and well I felt light and all of the sudden things went balck for a moment I fell and well I woke up sitting on the floor dizzy with my ankel busted
RadioBuni: black*
loOkKintomE: "tick tacking" ?
RadioBuni: its just a movment u do on the board
loOkKintomE: ok
loOkKintomE: sorry, old fart here
RadioBuni: its ok
RadioBuni: lol
loOkKintomE: but seriously, be careful
loOkKintomE: ankle is a bad thing to waste
RadioBuni: yea
RadioBuni: I have had a weak ankel since I was 15
RadioBuni: I seem to bust it alot since then
loOkKintomE: so why don't you tell me what's really on your mind now ?
RadioBuni: when I was 15 I messed it up so badly my ankel was messed up for like 3 months
RadioBuni: nothing is on my mind
RadioBuni: seriously
loOkKintomE: your friends leaving ?
loOkKintomE: c'mon
RadioBuni: yea well thats really all to say
loOkKintomE: i don't think you think so
RadioBuni: ok what do u want me to say?
loOkKintomE: my best friend left the UK for good 2 weeks ago
RadioBuni: yea?
loOkKintomE: and i know how it feels when friends leave
loOkKintomE: this is tough
RadioBuni: I have been dealing with this for weeks
RadioBuni: they have been leaving one by one
RadioBuni: the last two is a cake
loOkKintomE: been dealing with this for years
loOkKintomE: so i know how it feels, believe me
loOkKintomE: i feel very down right now
RadioBuni: it doesnt matter how it feels u cant fix it and why get upset about something that u cant fix
RadioBuni: I see that
loOkKintomE: try not to think about it
RadioBuni: lets focus on how u feel
RadioBuni: I dont think about it
RadioBuni: I do other things
loOkKintomE: you do
RadioBuni: and enjoy the time I have with them
RadioBuni: no i dont
loOkKintomE: we all try to think it's nothing big
loOkKintomE: but it is
RadioBuni: sure
RadioBuni: well my whole life I have traveled
RadioBuni: I always have to deal with making new friends
RadioBuni: this is nothing really
loOkKintomE: yep
RadioBuni: I will get over it and move on
loOkKintomE: but you deserve to have real friends
loOkKintomE: you sound so lonely
RadioBuni: just bc they move on doesnt mean there not friends
RadioBuni: I am a loner
loOkKintomE: and like such a nice girl
RadioBuni: I am fine with that
loOkKintomE: it pisses me off
loOkKintomE: i hate loneliness
RadioBuni: well I cant fix how u feel about this
RadioBuni: I am fine with it
loOkKintomE: and still i love it a lot at thew same time
loOkKintomE: *the*
loOkKintomE: no you're not
RadioBuni: yes i am
loOkKintomE: but you're good at pretending
RadioBuni: shit why do u think I am pretending
RadioBuni: I never hold back
RadioBuni: I am the drama queen I dont hold back
RadioBuni: I feel fine about all of this
loOkKintomE: i believe you're trying very hard to make yourself believe you are not affected by having all your friends go away. i think i might know how you work this out, because i tend to do the same.
RadioBuni: come on!
RadioBuni: I am fine
loOkKintomE: yeah right
RadioBuni: I am
loOkKintomE: good for you then (though I don't believe you)
RadioBuni: ::rolls eyes::
loOkKintomE: ;-)
RadioBuni: blah
loOkKintomE: sorry i've been inquisitive
RadioBuni: ::smiles::
loOkKintomE: it's because i like you and i hate thinking something's not going the way it should for you
RadioBuni: hmmm well things never go the way they should. . . I really dont mind that there not perfect.. . life is supose to be bitter sweet . . .u cant posibly really enjoy the good times with out the bad and well I am fine with everyone moving away. . . we all got to leave someday. . . I know soon my time will come too. . . its not the end of the world.. . theres worse things. . . like someone could die or something
RadioBuni: this is a cake walk I can deal
loOkKintomE: it hurts to have friends go away
loOkKintomE: and i know what i'm talking about
loOkKintomE: happened many times
loOkKintomE: but recently was really bad
RadioBuni: ::nods::
right now I wish . . . I was a bunny. . . . I like to just sit around all day and eat everything in site and just sleep all day. sounds nice no? Wait a minute! I do that already!! Ah my dreams are coming true before my eyes. . . heh
At the very least, yay, for dreams coming true.