He told me it was just not the right time. In time things will fall in place and we could see about us being together. I was in a long waiting line waiting for my turn for the piece of the pie. Somehow this just doesn't seem pleasant. I don't want to be last option I want to be the first choice and the only one. Is that being selfish? I hope not . . . really I just don't care any more. . . I am just going to go my own way and keep my eye on other things other then men . . . and I don't mean just start fucking women. . . I mean I will just keep to my studies and my goals for now . . . forget about wanting someone to cuddle with or fuck its a hopeless case. . .

It is pretty good. I am getting by. The weather is getting real good and my grades are A's (that is important to me). So what do you do? I see student on your occupation too!
I am in an xray program. It is cool. It pays decent when I am finished. I have about a year left. That is the finals I am taking (they are not that easy) but I manage to pull A's and that is what its all about. What kinda photography you do?