We're terrible people...
Anyroad, how are things with yous people?
I've been working alot and I don't like it. I'm going to get eye surgery soon so I'm really excited about that. I have alot going on, I have a couple of stencils that I'm working on of my friends Succor and Viking. I love the people one this site, I've yet to encounter a rude motherfucker, so that makes me pretty happy.
My bike is currently being worked on, the accident really threw me into some depression. After my wife left me I felt like the last real bit of honest happiness and freedom I had was in my bike and the rides I used to go on. But when it got wrecked it really hurt my soul.
Things are getting better. While its getting worked on I'm going to go ahead and have them put about $2100 worth of new parts on it so it will be one badass bike when I get it back. I want to meet new people, I want to meet a woman who will be good for me...
I love the snow, its snowing on and off here and I love it. I sleep with the window open because the cold weather is beautiful... I want to have a woman who wants to travel the frozen tundra with me. Who is up for the task?
I'll be going to Afghanistan at some point, I want you all to tell me how you feel about the war. How you feel about death, or whether what people like myself do is worth it...
Lets converse...
sometimes meeting the person you love is worth the wait though
and i understand everything you said about the war, like i previously told you before my lover is in iraq at the moment, and probably will be sent to Afghanistan before his contracts up (the unit he's with seems to deploy alot), but then again the way he's talking about it im not to sure if he even plans to get out...which is alright i guess i mean i support him in whatever he chooses to do, but honestly these deployments are rough and i really miss hom alot
:-( and christmas time and the holidays really suck being alone, but he gets his R&R kinda soonish..so thats like the silver lining for me, only 9 more months until he gets home, and this is over...
anyways sorry to write a novel in the comment box, lol so take care and hopefully i'll talk to you soon
<3 Vixeyn