quick list blog today. Im going to start with things annoying me lately.
when people are consistanly complaining- how do you live your lives so miserable?
when people race to the check out and knock me over. Especially when i have 1 item and they have 20.
when people use the world wide web to score money/gifts from other people. Net hobos is what you are.
when people downplay the stress/problems/troubles in other peoples lives because they feel they have it worse.
credit checks
my constantly fading red hair! haha
self pity.
bank fees
bitter landlords
and now for what makes me extremly happy lately
my relationship
my animals
my family
my job
my life. all of it. even the ^ annoying parts.
That being said,
today is the last step to finalizing my new place. I am so excited I want to poop.
I am a little nervous about the finances. but it will work out. Ill figure it all out.
I started a new tumblr blog. because people on instagram (ADD ME!!!! girliegunshow) seem to like my outfits of the day ahaha
and now .pictures.
quick list blog today. Im going to start with things annoying me lately.

and now for what makes me extremly happy lately

That being said,
today is the last step to finalizing my new place. I am so excited I want to poop.
I am a little nervous about the finances. but it will work out. Ill figure it all out.
I started a new tumblr blog. because people on instagram (ADD ME!!!! girliegunshow) seem to like my outfits of the day ahaha
and now .pictures.
wish me luck tonight!
I love your kitty. Best wishes with everything going on!
haha you are too cute