Hello everyone
SOMEONES in a great mood!

So Anyways, I was on a house hunting binge for awhile and I couldnt really find anything and my boyfriend was shooting down everything I wanted and I just got discouraged and stopped. However, there is a townhouse complex nearby my current place that I love and I had managed to find someone who was renting out there basement. I asked them if they would consider renting out the more of the property and he told me he might someday but if he heard of anyone else he would pass my info along. I really didnt think he would but he did and someone called me about it. This place sounds lovely. I cant actually see it for awhile because his current tennants are giving him tourble and hes in the process of trying to evict them but they wont let him or something lol I dunno.
However this place is a 3 bedroom townhouse, newly renovated, washer, dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, fireplace in the finished basement, garage, backyard facing a creek. its like the perfect place.
I dont know however if its carpeted or hardwood which is a big deal. I have pets and I cant deal with carpets....
But for now, im stoked. Its $1450 (im gunna try and haggle to $1400) a month + utilities. On my income its very do-able I just need to be better at budgetting. Less flippant spending etc.
It propbably wont be available for about a month but thats perfect for me because I can save and get prepared. the landlord seems really nice and said he was going to be in contact with the tennants and contact me soon for when we can meet.
Im super stoked. Cross your fingers for me that this place works out!
Well thats all SGer's.
have a good day!!

SOMEONES in a great mood!

So Anyways, I was on a house hunting binge for awhile and I couldnt really find anything and my boyfriend was shooting down everything I wanted and I just got discouraged and stopped. However, there is a townhouse complex nearby my current place that I love and I had managed to find someone who was renting out there basement. I asked them if they would consider renting out the more of the property and he told me he might someday but if he heard of anyone else he would pass my info along. I really didnt think he would but he did and someone called me about it. This place sounds lovely. I cant actually see it for awhile because his current tennants are giving him tourble and hes in the process of trying to evict them but they wont let him or something lol I dunno.
However this place is a 3 bedroom townhouse, newly renovated, washer, dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, fireplace in the finished basement, garage, backyard facing a creek. its like the perfect place.
I dont know however if its carpeted or hardwood which is a big deal. I have pets and I cant deal with carpets....
But for now, im stoked. Its $1450 (im gunna try and haggle to $1400) a month + utilities. On my income its very do-able I just need to be better at budgetting. Less flippant spending etc.
It propbably wont be available for about a month but thats perfect for me because I can save and get prepared. the landlord seems really nice and said he was going to be in contact with the tennants and contact me soon for when we can meet.
Im super stoked. Cross your fingers for me that this place works out!
Well thats all SGer's.
have a good day!!

Buying a house was the single biggest source of stress for us, and it's turned out okay so far. The absolute key is finding a home inspector who'll actually do their job and ensure you aren't buying a problem.