So this weekend I got a tattoo! Ive been procrasinating on getting my 3/4 sleeve started but i started. It has no meaning and it was all just pulled from pictures on the internet but Im gunna love it. So much more to go. The cameo is so roughly done, I cant wait to get that part finished... At least another 2 sittings for sure.
I also Bought my bf a new 42" flat screen TV for his birthday . Seriously expensive weekend.
His parents took us out to a Chinese buffet, of course they do the stupid birthday thing and made him wear som dumbass hat
In other news, I got the worse news ever last week. I dont know if I can say anything yet so Ill just wait. But it sucks, BAD.... for me anyways. Its bittersweet though because Im happy for her but im also quite sad...
Im going camping soon... then to the zoo....
I dunno....
Again if you have an Iphone- you should have instagram. and if you have instagram you should follow me.
meh. I dont have much more to say.