There was some awesome pictures in my last blog and that got over powered by my rant about the stupid bitch at work. So Im making a new blog.
I just wanted to first say that I am really disappointed in SG today. As discussed previously in my last blog I want to do another set. So I started to go see whats putting PSW SG's on the front page as of lately. And well. Look for yourself.
This is just sad....
Honestly, I really want this to change. Because this is ridiculous. There are sooooo many beautiful PSW SGs and hopefuls. I would say PSW is subjective on this site. Im considered a PSW but if going by clothing size, I am not. I use the term PSW to describe girls with meat on them haha "healthy" girls as the little old black maintenance man calls them haha. I just want to see some healthy girls gracing our front page dammit!!!
That being said....
heres my healthy face

My weave haha
(oooh I spot a bf pulling his pants up in the background! haha)

And more pictures from my previous blog
m obsessed with Instagram if you have it add me!
I just wanted to first say that I am really disappointed in SG today. As discussed previously in my last blog I want to do another set. So I started to go see whats putting PSW SG's on the front page as of lately. And well. Look for yourself.
This is just sad....
Honestly, I really want this to change. Because this is ridiculous. There are sooooo many beautiful PSW SGs and hopefuls. I would say PSW is subjective on this site. Im considered a PSW but if going by clothing size, I am not. I use the term PSW to describe girls with meat on them haha "healthy" girls as the little old black maintenance man calls them haha. I just want to see some healthy girls gracing our front page dammit!!!
That being said....
heres my healthy face

My weave haha

And more pictures from my previous blog
m obsessed with Instagram if you have it add me!
Heres some recent pictures Ive posted!
Also my BD Boobzilla and I have been going on glorious photo adventures. I have the best time just going out with that girl. When Ive had a bad day, spending my evening with her makes it all better. We do nothing but laugh and do ridiculous things.
Heres a few pictures from these adventures
random cute dog pictures
Im going on another phonto adventure with Boobzilla now so have a good days SGers!
The chihuahua is so cute!!!
thank you so much! that means sooooo much to me!