So my boss went on vacation to Turks and Cacaos. This means I FINALLY get a day off! 2 days off actually

The first of which was Thursday. I was sooooo looking forward to it. I woke up Thursday morning and started cleaning. As im mopping I get a call from my boss.
Apparently the girl I work with, didnt show up for work. My boss is furious and tell me I must find out where she is and to go into work and finish the work she was supposed to do when she was in. He told me to rush in, to not even get ready- just go. It takes me 2 hours to get to work each day. and 2 hours back. I was so pissed.
I called this girl like a maniac, left her text messages, and wrote on her facebook wall. No answer.
When i get to work I call her emergency contact which is her mother. Her mother hasnt spoken to her. I call her friend that works in the building, she hasnt spoken to her. At this point im getting nervous because shes diabetic and Im worried somethings happened. So I decided to call her building and speak to her landlord. I got them to go knock on her door and they called me back saying that they could see through her mailslot that she was lying on her couch. But that they were banging and she wasnt waking up.
I asked them to go in her apartment and they said they couldnt without a police escort. So I called the police and they sent EMS over to see if she was ok. As soon as i got off the phone with police, her landlord calls me and tells me she woke up and answered her door.
Im super pissed now so I call her. She answers in tears saying shes in the hospital, that earlier that morning she went into a diabetic coma and was rushed to hospital. I was like:
"wait your at the hospital this minute? like at this very moment.? "
her: "yes"
me: " well thats funny because I just spoke to your landlord and she said that they just woke you up. that you were sleeping.
her: "ya that was this morning"
me: "no, I just spoke to her 2 seconds ago and she told me she JUST woke you up off the couch. "
her: "Im in the hospital, I can get you a chart note if you want!"
she hangs up on me.
Im PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED!! She fucking lied to me! straight up lied.
So I call her back a few mins later and she admits she lied but that infact EMS is taking her to hospital for evaluation because her sugars were so low.
Im too soft. My boss gave me specific instructions that when I speak to her if she is not dead or in hospital, that I am to fire her on the spot.
Not only was she just sleeping, but she lied to me. And still I cover her ass.
I told her that at that moment she could have lost her job. Be we are not going to tell me boss that she lied. Im going to tell him that I called ambulance and they found her in a diabetic coma and took her to emerg.
Im an idiot probably. But I know the girl cant afford to lose her job and personally, I dont feel like looking to hire someone again.
All is taken care of and we talk the next day and agree that this was a lesson learned. She ended up getting put on insulin so the reason she was sleeping so heavily was definitly low sugar related, but that doesnt make the fact that she lied to me ok. Either way. We both agreed this was the last time something like this was going to happen.
Then this morning I get a message on my voicemail from her sister. 3 messages to be specific.
" I just wanted to let you know that you are conniving and vindictive. This message is to let you know that your a conniving little girl. I dont appreciate you trying to be spiteful and it comes down to it shes my sister and i have her back. So stop being immature and acting like a little girl by leaving messages on her facebook. I also wanted to tell you not to call my mother. You called her too many times that day and caused her grief. Also you wasted the polices time that day and I think you should be responsible for the ambulance fee. So do not call her and back off from my family. Thank you. Have a great day !!!"
Thats an overall breakdown of the 3 messages...
I eventually ended up talking to the girl I work with about a half hour ago and she says that her sister called me on her own and that shes upset and doesnt want to lose her job and her sister had opened her facebook and caused all this shit.
This is not normal.... I mean, this girl is 35 years old. I cant grasp how someone would call there sisters boss and say shit like that. She should be embarrassed. She called me from a blocked number otherwise I would have called her back and ripped her face off. She has no god damn right to call me. This is not highschool and that is completly immature disgusting behaviour that could have got her sister fired. Because the girl I work with apologized and was upset by the ordeal as well, Im not going to bring this up and I dont plan on firing her.
I am going to start looking for another COA to replace her though. Because this is already too much. I cannot work with people with this much drama in there lives and having it transfer onto me. I cannot handle this kind of stress and drama. And up until we hired this girl, there was no drama.

Donations at a funeral? Ugh.
Thank you <3 It feels good to feel happy