I've been thinking alot about changing my name on here. When I first signed up as a hopeful almost 2 years ago I didn't really think too hard about making up a name. I kinda chose my name after my that time obsession with tenacious D. I've been over that for a long time now and I need a change. However I get really annoyed when people are constantly changing their name. I have a few questions.
1. If I change my name, will that at all affect my hopeful status?
2. How do I actually go about changing it?
3. Will everyone still love me if I change it?
The name I've come up with is pretty amazing. I laugh when I say t haha
So? Opinions people!
1. If I change my name, will that at all affect my hopeful status?
2. How do I actually go about changing it?
3. Will everyone still love me if I change it?

The name I've come up with is pretty amazing. I laugh when I say t haha
So? Opinions people!
I am really proud that I've decided to do this