A few things to talk about.
First thing, I had my first weigh in at Weight Watchers and I lost 3.4 lbs. Not too bad I spose. I've been working out like crazy and eating insanly well so I was hoping for more but thats ok. All in good time.
Today is my nanas birthday. She passed away in 1995. She would have been 97 today. Miss her like crazy.

and sadly its also the 3 year anniversary of my friend Kathy passing away. Herself and her fiancee were killed in a horrendous car accident
January 14 2008
The two people killed Monday night on Dixie Road in Caledon were an engaged couple from Loretto.
John Ryan, 21, of Adjala Tosorontio, and Katherine Rauti, 22, who grew up in Tottenham, were pronounced dead at the scene of the three-car crash between Mayfield Road and Old School Road.
According to the Caledon OPP press release, Ryan and Rauti were southbound on Dixie Road in a Ford Thunderbird when they collided with an Acura travelling northbound.
"The impact sent the Acura into the east side ditch and caused the Thunderbird to roll onto its roof. A northbound GMC Sierra pick-up truck then struck the Thunderbird" which engulfed their vehicle in flames. It took firefighters about 20 minutes to put out the fire.
The Caledon Fire Department reported that due to the nature and severity of the incident, the firefighters involved in this emergency participated in a critical incident debriefing conducted by peer professionals prior to being dismissed for the evening.
The driver of the Acura, a 38-year-old male from Caledon and the driver of the GMC pick-up, a 50-year-old male from Caledon, were both transported to Brampton Civic Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
One of the saddest days of my life happened 3 years ago today. Miss her every day.
ok and in less depressing news...
this set blew my fucking mind.
THIS is modelling. Straight up. This set is so simple, yet every picture had me saying wow.
Check this shit out.
what else.
Ive been doing quite well with my New Years resolutions. One of which was obviously to start losing some gut. The other was to start taking care of my dog properly. I havent taken him to the vet since 2006. Im ashamed to even say it. So ive booked him an appointment for the end of the month and Ive also signed up for pet insurance. A hefty monthly fee but I think its worth it. Also, I wanted to get my finances straightened. So ive also made an appointment to see my financial advisor at the bank. Way to go me
So today I get some new specs. originally I had these:
but I switched them for the more modern looking wayfarer. Its not as heavy and doesnt make me look AS geeky. lol
anyways. theres my blog for the next few weeks hahha
I definitely how frustrating it is for weight to come off so slowly considering how easy it is to put on. Bleh!
But remember that even in a good case scenario most experts consider 1-2 lbs down per week an average which places you above average