Before I say anything I sugest you all go wish Boobzilla a HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! MY BD!!
So WHOA!!!!!
thats all I can say! My party was a BLAST! amazing!!!! <3<3<3
Boobzilla andFaye were there and it was a dreamy night!!
Ill just skip right to the pictures!
It was soooooo much fun! everyone stayed really late and there was dancing pretty much consistantly! I wish that I could have taken [ictures without the flash to show how baller the black light and strobe light was!! I bought a shit load (45 to be specific) glowstick bracelets and everyone was wearing them hahha amazing.
It was so much fun.
The clean up was not.
Im sure Ill have more pictures to show later when people start posting.
8:05 pm blog edit
so I just got this amazing message from someone and I died laughing hahaha
dear tenaciouss,
i'm officially obsessed with your pics, i'm checking myself into rehab - and i'll be sending you the bill.
hahahahahha made me laugh so hard. You my friend are amazing.
As well. I just discovered something fucking AWESOME. ok men this is of no interest for you, you may feel free to go look at jublies now.
I discovered this website today:
e.l.f Cosmetics
I nearly shit my pants. I managed to get a couple brushes from this company some time ago. I dont recal how or where but I REALLy like them. They are no MAC brush, dont get me wrong. But go look at the god damn price. Ya. You read correctly. $1.00!!! I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I bought the 11 piece set today. It was $30 but I think its going to be well worth it. They have a the standard 12 piece set for $12.00. This place in unbelieveable!
I bought ALL this:
Shadows 3 in total:
Wax eyebrow kit:
eye primer and liner sealer
11 piece brush set
more info
waterproof eyeliner pen
eyeshadow primer
contouring blush and bronzing powder
all for $53!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might have missed some things I bought 11 items...
Im dying to get this:
but its sold out for 2 weeks. ITS ONLY $10!!!!!!!!!
omgomgomg. haha
Until 12 am tonight there is free shipping to the US!!!!!! And 50% off all EYE product!!
Go check that shit out!