Hello everyone!
wow was that weekend way too short or what!? jesus. I hate that.
I was supposed to pick up some new spectactles on Friday from my old work but they fucked them up hahaha. They were sent the wrong model number and hadnt checked before edging the lenses in lol oh well. My new glasses are so dorky I cant wait. They are the ophthalmic version of my sunglasses
these badboys
Ill get them sometime this week tho for sheezy.
Boobzilla and I went to get some stuff for our halloween costumes the other day. I fucking love costume stores so much! I put this MASSIVE predator mask on. It weighed like 80 lbs hahaha it was huge. Unfortunatly Bza's camera couldnt capture how amazing it was haha
But you can imagine how sexy I looked. Damn.
heres a few pics she did get
Barack Oballer!
hahahaha This mask like suctioned to my face and I couldnt breath, I was waving my hands around in panic. captured here:
Batmen <3 scarves
my dreamy bf in my halloween wig.
Im honestly so stoaked about Halloween and this dumb expensive party Im throwing. Honestly
I bought this amazing "Gortrait" . They are like holographic victorian portraits. I cant seem to find the one I bought though. Its two ladies and when you walk past it they look like vampires and there blood spattered across it. So cool.
I heart Halloween.
oh and my dogs halloween costume this year?
And ill finish this up with some whoring
wow was that weekend way too short or what!? jesus. I hate that.
I was supposed to pick up some new spectactles on Friday from my old work but they fucked them up hahaha. They were sent the wrong model number and hadnt checked before edging the lenses in lol oh well. My new glasses are so dorky I cant wait. They are the ophthalmic version of my sunglasses
these badboys
Ill get them sometime this week tho for sheezy.
Boobzilla and I went to get some stuff for our halloween costumes the other day. I fucking love costume stores so much! I put this MASSIVE predator mask on. It weighed like 80 lbs hahaha it was huge. Unfortunatly Bza's camera couldnt capture how amazing it was haha
But you can imagine how sexy I looked. Damn.
heres a few pics she did get
Barack Oballer!
hahahaha This mask like suctioned to my face and I couldnt breath, I was waving my hands around in panic. captured here:
Batmen <3 scarves
my dreamy bf in my halloween wig.
Im honestly so stoaked about Halloween and this dumb expensive party Im throwing. Honestly
I bought this amazing "Gortrait" . They are like holographic victorian portraits. I cant seem to find the one I bought though. Its two ladies and when you walk past it they look like vampires and there blood spattered across it. So cool.
I heart Halloween.
oh and my dogs halloween costume this year?
And ill finish this up with some whoring
Goodness gracious it's . . .tenacious.
I know, that line is the worst one ever. But hey, cool chicks with attitude makes a dude say stupid shit