Hi everyone 
Just making a quick blog today (as if I ever indulge in long interesting writings of my thrilling and extravagant life!)
Whats new ? hmmm
Well I've managed to get sick. In 35C weather. I know youll think its from all the making out Boobzilla and I have been doing however, she was so sick that I hadnt seen her for like a weeka and a half ! Unreal. Poor thing is getting better now I think and I am sinking into raspy booger hack hell. Im definitly presuming this all comes from my weeks of stressing so ridiculously over my exam. Now that Im finished, and have time to enjoy life it creeps up on me. So Im sitting here drinking chamomile tea and hacking back Halls. Lets hope this passes soon right?
My boss has gone on business until September 13th so Im alone in the office here supposed to some how fill my week with work... oh dear.
Expect to hear alot from me lol
Faye and I were thinking about shooting another set. Im weary because of a couple things. I wouldnt say I dont have a certain level of confidance about my body, but as of late I have really not liked the way its been looking. Not enough to take full on pictures of. Another thing is my tattoo. The one that was supposed to be so beautiful is now looking butchered and ridiculous. I have a lot of fixing to do. I dont feel like theres any reason why I should showcase that. I think I just convinced myself out of doing that anytime soon. Lol. So lets just forget it was even mentioned haha
Now that school is done and over with ( and I'm still waiting to get my marks back) I have time to do things in my life again. I feel like Ive let everything go over the last little while. Ive ignored my art, abandoned hobbies and put housework and healthy meals on hold. Its time to get back in the groove of my life. Hopefully home cooked meals will help me get my trim svelte bod back
I do have one concern about my life though. I feel like everything is falling into place. I am barelling toward my career, my relationship is lovely, my friendships are stronger than ever, my bills are paid, however, the more money I make the more money I spend.
This is probably a complaint most people have, but I think Ive gotten out of control. I know it sounds funny but Im starting to think I have some sort of problem. I feel this way because I am KILLING my bank account on retail things. Since Sunday I have bought:
-5 shirts
-a skirt
-a dress
-2 pairs of pants
-2 nailpolishes
- M.A.C compact
-2 winter hats
- 2 pairs winter gloves
-5 rings
- a purse
- spent $40 taking a friend out for dinner
-bought a kettle and toaster for my office
Its Thursday.....
And this is not an outrageous thing. I do this EVERY time I get paid. I dont think its healthy
I tell myself not to go in a store or not to buy something and I do. I find a way to justify why I can afford it or why I deserve it...
It kinda freaks me out because addictions often have an underlying problem. So what is my problem then?
sigh Sucks cus I should have lots of money left over to save. For meaningful things. And yet its all gone to things I dont need or own a million of already. Clearly I have a problem here. Ive basically (after also paying large amounts of bills) managed to leave myself with next to nothing until the 15 of September like an idiot....
oh dear...
Its my brothers birthday today. No he's not Polish lol

Hes kick ass. And intensly talented. He's a musician and an amazing drawer. He will be famous one day im sure of it.
Some of his drawings

Just making a quick blog today (as if I ever indulge in long interesting writings of my thrilling and extravagant life!)
Whats new ? hmmm
Well I've managed to get sick. In 35C weather. I know youll think its from all the making out Boobzilla and I have been doing however, she was so sick that I hadnt seen her for like a weeka and a half ! Unreal. Poor thing is getting better now I think and I am sinking into raspy booger hack hell. Im definitly presuming this all comes from my weeks of stressing so ridiculously over my exam. Now that Im finished, and have time to enjoy life it creeps up on me. So Im sitting here drinking chamomile tea and hacking back Halls. Lets hope this passes soon right?
My boss has gone on business until September 13th so Im alone in the office here supposed to some how fill my week with work... oh dear.
Expect to hear alot from me lol
Faye and I were thinking about shooting another set. Im weary because of a couple things. I wouldnt say I dont have a certain level of confidance about my body, but as of late I have really not liked the way its been looking. Not enough to take full on pictures of. Another thing is my tattoo. The one that was supposed to be so beautiful is now looking butchered and ridiculous. I have a lot of fixing to do. I dont feel like theres any reason why I should showcase that. I think I just convinced myself out of doing that anytime soon. Lol. So lets just forget it was even mentioned haha
Now that school is done and over with ( and I'm still waiting to get my marks back) I have time to do things in my life again. I feel like Ive let everything go over the last little while. Ive ignored my art, abandoned hobbies and put housework and healthy meals on hold. Its time to get back in the groove of my life. Hopefully home cooked meals will help me get my trim svelte bod back

I do have one concern about my life though. I feel like everything is falling into place. I am barelling toward my career, my relationship is lovely, my friendships are stronger than ever, my bills are paid, however, the more money I make the more money I spend.
This is probably a complaint most people have, but I think Ive gotten out of control. I know it sounds funny but Im starting to think I have some sort of problem. I feel this way because I am KILLING my bank account on retail things. Since Sunday I have bought:
-5 shirts
-a skirt
-a dress
-2 pairs of pants
-2 nailpolishes
- M.A.C compact
-2 winter hats
- 2 pairs winter gloves
-5 rings
- a purse
- spent $40 taking a friend out for dinner
-bought a kettle and toaster for my office
Its Thursday.....
And this is not an outrageous thing. I do this EVERY time I get paid. I dont think its healthy

It kinda freaks me out because addictions often have an underlying problem. So what is my problem then?
sigh Sucks cus I should have lots of money left over to save. For meaningful things. And yet its all gone to things I dont need or own a million of already. Clearly I have a problem here. Ive basically (after also paying large amounts of bills) managed to leave myself with next to nothing until the 15 of September like an idiot....
oh dear...
Its my brothers birthday today. No he's not Polish lol

Hes kick ass. And intensly talented. He's a musician and an amazing drawer. He will be famous one day im sure of it.
Some of his drawings
blows my mind.
In fact, my mother and my bro have continued my grandfathers business. Its faux finishing and they landed a significant article in the local newspaper!!! (Yes, my moms name is Liz Taylor lol)
Im very proud of them
And me and my BD(Boobzilla are official. We have tied the knot with owl BFF necklaces.Mine (shown here) says: Friends hers says Forever awww and I am currently wearing mine in public to work right now. ahaha
So that certainly turned out to be not a quick blog huh? lol what an idiot.
And heres some pictures of me. Im gross.
oh and I have fallen in love....
Photos of new boy, one day.