HI! ! ! !
How ya duurrrnn?
Can I tell you a couple things. Lately, Ive been OBSESSED with Lil Wayne and Drake.
They are blowing my mind with their stories haha. Dont judge. But no seriously, Lil Wayne makes me laugh and hes taking auto tune to the max.! Drake is from Toronto, look at that something other than Celine making Canada look a little less gross. haha
You can also ask poor Boobzilla, I know every word hahaha. She loves it
aww poor girl I torture her
Oh and this too hahaha I really dig this chick shes killer. She scares me a little.
*cough cough* camel toe *cough cough*
hmm also. I have been seriously crushing on boys with stretched ears? like distinctively that.
Dave Rosin ... soooo dreammmmyyy

and boobzilla kills me with this hahaha She does the best verbal rendition of this. I love her
and she showed me this HILARIOUS movie that I had not seen until recently. My favourite part:
AHAHAHAHA so funny
hmm I guess ive been feeling pretty gross about my bod lately, I have not really cared to take pictures but yesterday Boobzilla inspired me. I need to unleash my new fat bod on you guys. Ive gained a good 15 lbs over the winter. *sigh*
Fuck life.

How ya duurrrnn?
Can I tell you a couple things. Lately, Ive been OBSESSED with Lil Wayne and Drake.
They are blowing my mind with their stories haha. Dont judge. But no seriously, Lil Wayne makes me laugh and hes taking auto tune to the max.! Drake is from Toronto, look at that something other than Celine making Canada look a little less gross. haha
You can also ask poor Boobzilla, I know every word hahaha. She loves it

Oh and this too hahaha I really dig this chick shes killer. She scares me a little.
*cough cough* camel toe *cough cough*
hmm also. I have been seriously crushing on boys with stretched ears? like distinctively that.
Dave Rosin ... soooo dreammmmyyy

and boobzilla kills me with this hahaha She does the best verbal rendition of this. I love her
and she showed me this HILARIOUS movie that I had not seen until recently. My favourite part:
AHAHAHAHA so funny
hmm I guess ive been feeling pretty gross about my bod lately, I have not really cared to take pictures but yesterday Boobzilla inspired me. I need to unleash my new fat bod on you guys. Ive gained a good 15 lbs over the winter. *sigh*
Fuck life.

And my sweet orange ring (and my very obvious heterochromia)
Happy new year. OOOAAA ( thats what the monkey face is named?)
In that last image, you kinda remind me of Quinne.

boning is bad ass i will agree