Hello Hello!
Im doing pretty good with my blog updates lately!
This weekend was HOT! Seriously balls out hot. I was sad because Boobzilla went camping and I wanted to go but my bf had to buy shorts and stuff this weekend so , we didnt.
Oh well next time. Looks like she got burnt like hell too. Which probably would have happened to me but worse and I would have got skin cancer so it was probably a sign haha
We set up our air conditioners this weekend too. My apartment is soo cool its great. I slept well. Which is also great.
Im trying to think of whats new in my life since my last blog lol...
Oh yea, I think I was telling yous about how I was interviewing girls for a position here and taking the initiative and such, well it paid off because my boss pulled me aside and told me that he wanted to give me an earlier raise starting June 1st! So now I am making $3 more per hour... oh yea its good. I am making more money than I have ever imagined making in my position. He also said that once I am certified I will also be getting another salary adjustment then. Im pretty stoked.
My boss keeps telling me to move to the condos by my work. I work in a pretty expensive part of the city so I just laugh and say sarcastically " oh yea, that penthouse will definitly fit right into my budget!" and he says things like " oh youll be movin in soon". Hints? of the millions of dollers I will make? hahahhaa either way, im happy with my raise and even happier to know ill be getting another one in August.
Gala is coming up this weekend. Nervous. Nervous because Ive been lazy and nonchalant about it and now I have nothing to wear... Oh dear...
Paper bag? Space suit?
I had a blast last year at gala. Heres some pics from back then.
Im doing pretty good with my blog updates lately!
This weekend was HOT! Seriously balls out hot. I was sad because Boobzilla went camping and I wanted to go but my bf had to buy shorts and stuff this weekend so , we didnt.

We set up our air conditioners this weekend too. My apartment is soo cool its great. I slept well. Which is also great.
Im trying to think of whats new in my life since my last blog lol...
Oh yea, I think I was telling yous about how I was interviewing girls for a position here and taking the initiative and such, well it paid off because my boss pulled me aside and told me that he wanted to give me an earlier raise starting June 1st! So now I am making $3 more per hour... oh yea its good. I am making more money than I have ever imagined making in my position. He also said that once I am certified I will also be getting another salary adjustment then. Im pretty stoked.
My boss keeps telling me to move to the condos by my work. I work in a pretty expensive part of the city so I just laugh and say sarcastically " oh yea, that penthouse will definitly fit right into my budget!" and he says things like " oh youll be movin in soon". Hints? of the millions of dollers I will make? hahahhaa either way, im happy with my raise and even happier to know ill be getting another one in August.
Gala is coming up this weekend. Nervous. Nervous because Ive been lazy and nonchalant about it and now I have nothing to wear... Oh dear...
Paper bag? Space suit?
I had a blast last year at gala. Heres some pics from back then.
Was sooo omuch fun obviously lol
Now.. I need to get down to business and find something to wear. Yikes.
In other new:
Ive been whitening my teeth. lol They werent that bad before but I quit smoking over a year ago and the remnants of smoking out the side of my mouth are still evident. You can see even in some of the pictures above. See a difference?
still kinda yellow. gah
and for some geeky pictures!
glad the job is working out for you and im jealous of your ac... my new place doesn't have central air so ill have to by some fans and window units to keep me chill