I have no damn patience for this site anymore hahaha.
But I have decided to try and actually write a blog.
So I dont know how long its been since Ive activly participated in telling you about my life so heres a littel run down:
Lovin' it. Like Mcchicken nuggets. I have settled in quite nicely over here and finally am feeling like part of the "team". My boss puts alot of responsibility on me which is a lil stressful, but it shows he trusts me and makes me feel like a hot shot haha. Recently, Ive been conducting interviews as one of the ladies who works here is retiring. And let me tell you, its about effing time. The lady is almost 75 yerars old and bitchy as hell. In fact ive disliked her quite a bit for the last few months. Needless to say hearing of her retirement put a smile on my face.
So I have been interviewing girls for the receptionist position now available. Its rather awkward but again, I value that my boss trusts me enough to do this. I continually try to offer my help and 'go the extra mile' so that come raise time, he slaps me with a HUUUGE raise like im expecting
He has mentioned to me that once I complete my certifacation I will get a nice raise so Im kissing ass like mad till then
So, recently I finished my first semester. I did fairly well prior to my final exam. I managed to pull off a 7 page essay on Glaucoma in one day and got a 92% on that as well as a few A's on some case studies etc. My exam was 50% of my final grade however and brought me down to a 79% as my first semester final grade. I was dying for an A though. Bastards couldnt have given me ONE more effing mark so I could be happy. hahaha assholes. Anyways, not bad considering its a very crammed indepth course about everything from the anatomy of the eye, physiology,pharmacology,microbiology,physics etc.
I did alright.
Lately Boobzilla and I have been hanging out a lot more and I
it!!! Shes such a great person and so god damn funny. When I hang out with her and _live_love_die_ Im cracking up constantly.
Boobzilla and I like to go into stores and bitch to the girls that work in them that there are no size 00 for us to try on, or they never make enough Size XXS made. Ugh the nerve.
They look at us like were fucking out of our mind, considering my ovary wouldnt fit in a XXS or a size 00. Who wears a size 00? 10 year old asian boys?
All in all I <3 Boobzilla and _live_love_die_ !! And I will be hugging them again tonight!!
Love is good. Ive never felt so in love and its sickening I know. My relationship at this moment and the last little while is EVERYTHING Ive ever wanted. Hes perfect and just looking at him makes me smile.
So my little rat bastard Monster's breath is getting so insanly horrible I cant bare it anymore lol. Its so gross. Smells like rotting garbage lol. I know I need to take him to the vet but to have a checkup and dental work done is going to cost me a minimum of $600. Which I dont have right now....
My little kitty cat Wilma is a year in June and has not been spayed yet which I should also get on. She also has not even showed signs of going into heat and is the tinest little thing. Noone believes shes a year old she so petite. Im jealous of her lol.
And Dexter is still obese lol
After being months behind on rent etc. I am FINALLLLLLLLLY caught up. Well almost. I owed like $3000 but Ive managed to catch up. As of the end of this month I will be caught up and have paid on time up to June. All y bills will be paid and caught up and my school is paid off as well. Feels good. Iwill have a lot more money to spend on things I like. I have a lot of things I need to have done.
So as it looks like my final interview for the day has not shown up Im going to start getting ready for my long weekend! Heres a few gratuitous pics for fun!

I have no damn patience for this site anymore hahaha.
But I have decided to try and actually write a blog.
So I dont know how long its been since Ive activly participated in telling you about my life so heres a littel run down:
Lovin' it. Like Mcchicken nuggets. I have settled in quite nicely over here and finally am feeling like part of the "team". My boss puts alot of responsibility on me which is a lil stressful, but it shows he trusts me and makes me feel like a hot shot haha. Recently, Ive been conducting interviews as one of the ladies who works here is retiring. And let me tell you, its about effing time. The lady is almost 75 yerars old and bitchy as hell. In fact ive disliked her quite a bit for the last few months. Needless to say hearing of her retirement put a smile on my face.
So I have been interviewing girls for the receptionist position now available. Its rather awkward but again, I value that my boss trusts me enough to do this. I continually try to offer my help and 'go the extra mile' so that come raise time, he slaps me with a HUUUGE raise like im expecting

He has mentioned to me that once I complete my certifacation I will get a nice raise so Im kissing ass like mad till then
So, recently I finished my first semester. I did fairly well prior to my final exam. I managed to pull off a 7 page essay on Glaucoma in one day and got a 92% on that as well as a few A's on some case studies etc. My exam was 50% of my final grade however and brought me down to a 79% as my first semester final grade. I was dying for an A though. Bastards couldnt have given me ONE more effing mark so I could be happy. hahaha assholes. Anyways, not bad considering its a very crammed indepth course about everything from the anatomy of the eye, physiology,pharmacology,microbiology,physics etc.
I did alright.
Lately Boobzilla and I have been hanging out a lot more and I

Boobzilla and I like to go into stores and bitch to the girls that work in them that there are no size 00 for us to try on, or they never make enough Size XXS made. Ugh the nerve.
They look at us like were fucking out of our mind, considering my ovary wouldnt fit in a XXS or a size 00. Who wears a size 00? 10 year old asian boys?
All in all I <3 Boobzilla and _live_love_die_ !! And I will be hugging them again tonight!!
Love is good. Ive never felt so in love and its sickening I know. My relationship at this moment and the last little while is EVERYTHING Ive ever wanted. Hes perfect and just looking at him makes me smile.
So my little rat bastard Monster's breath is getting so insanly horrible I cant bare it anymore lol. Its so gross. Smells like rotting garbage lol. I know I need to take him to the vet but to have a checkup and dental work done is going to cost me a minimum of $600. Which I dont have right now....
My little kitty cat Wilma is a year in June and has not been spayed yet which I should also get on. She also has not even showed signs of going into heat and is the tinest little thing. Noone believes shes a year old she so petite. Im jealous of her lol.
And Dexter is still obese lol
After being months behind on rent etc. I am FINALLLLLLLLLY caught up. Well almost. I owed like $3000 but Ive managed to catch up. As of the end of this month I will be caught up and have paid on time up to June. All y bills will be paid and caught up and my school is paid off as well. Feels good. Iwill have a lot more money to spend on things I like. I have a lot of things I need to have done.
So as it looks like my final interview for the day has not shown up Im going to start getting ready for my long weekend! Heres a few gratuitous pics for fun!

awesome... life is rad when its all going good
Dude- so happy that life is good for you, you are so deserving. xoxo