I guess I've kinda become the designated TV appearance soldier for my unit. First there was the 4th of July...and this morning was the local news. One of the stations in town does a weekly morning news broadcast from a random city or town in the state. They get a bunch of local businesses to come out and people wake up extra early to get there to be on TV. Well this week they broadcast from the town where my unit is stationed. So we showed up with a vehicle and a howitzer...they LOVED it. They decided to use it as the backdrop for half the morning...it was a lot of fun, plus we had tons of people walking up to us and talking to us. Kinda made having to wake up at 4 am not be so bad. BTW...heres some of the pictures from today
The howitzer we brought, its one of our older ones. This is probably the last time its gonna be used for anything, seeing as we retire them in a couple months.
Here's everyone in front of the gun for the morning traffic. (BTW those girls aren't from my unit they live in the area so we had them show up...)
Before we left we had the guys from the news get a picture with our helmets on...it was pretty funny

The howitzer we brought, its one of our older ones. This is probably the last time its gonna be used for anything, seeing as we retire them in a couple months.

Here's everyone in front of the gun for the morning traffic. (BTW those girls aren't from my unit they live in the area so we had them show up...)

Before we left we had the guys from the news get a picture with our helmets on...it was pretty funny