So im home from my annual training. It was a long two weeks, hell it felt a lot longer than that. We did all kinds of stuff....crawling through sand and mud...running through the woods....driving down roads....oh and a lot of firing of blanks. For an artillery unit, we sure as hell don't do much artillery work. After my platoon finished all the training we ended up retaking the CLS class. CLS is Combat Lifesaver...pretty much how to stabilize a casualty till the medic gets there. So for three days we sat in class and endured Death by Powerpoint. A lot of the slides were pictures of what can happen in country...needless to say i was kinda queasy those days. Also we had to do live IV sticks on someone to qualify. I got paired up with someone who just couldn't get it right. It only took me one try to stick him, but he tried sticking me 4 times and still couldn't get it right. Needless to say, he isn't gonna be doing that overseas if we can help it. I got home last night and had to be back at the armory this morning for cleanup...and then they told us that we had tomorrow off, and we had to be back on Sunday and Monday for parades. So it looks like I'm not gonna have a lot of time to relax till classes start up again. Oh well, such is life.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 22, 2008
so i just got a phone call, it looks like that im still leaving on tu… -
Sunday Jul 20, 2008
So im really pissed. I went down to drill this weekend and got hurt.… -
Tuesday Jul 15, 2008
Well its getting close to me im gonna start asking for p… -
Tuesday Jun 24, 2008
Yep, im still alive. Starting the final countdown to my departure. … -
Monday Jun 02, 2008
So its been a while since i posted anything here, hell its been a whi… -
Wednesday May 07, 2008
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Sunday Apr 20, 2008
So i finally went ahead and decided to try for my amateur radio licen… -
Sunday Apr 13, 2008
So another weekend spent playing in the mud with Uncle Sam. Dealt wi… -
Sunday Mar 30, 2008
So i hung out with Ravioli today. Had a great time. Hopefully ill b… -
Friday Mar 28, 2008
IMMMM BACK!!! gotta love how it takes a while for pay from a new j…