so the swollen lymphnode (in the groin by the way) turned out to be a huge egg sized puss-pocket...the doc says maybe a bacterial infection from shaving there (???). anyway, i had to get a needle stuck into it one day to drain it, and then it recollected, so they had to cut it open to drain all the puss
now i have a half inch sized laceration there, which i have to shove iodine gauze into with a qtip twice a day...eesh. ill be so glad when all of this is over
thanks to everyone who was concerned!

now i have a half inch sized laceration there, which i have to shove iodine gauze into with a qtip twice a day...eesh. ill be so glad when all of this is over

thanks to everyone who was concerned!

Wow, you had a dream of me? well of my name anyway? how strange is that. Was it good at least? teehee
I sometimes dream of random people too...but never someone I never talked to before. I think that's cool
ick @ the puss pocket...hopefully that'll be gone soon!
Frozen food, aisle 3, next to the Freschetta frozen pizzas - may I help who's next in line, please?
and now something helpful to go along with my incredibly witty nonsense above... Let's see... Ah. You like female vocals? Check out my favorite chick band: Pretty Girls Make Graves if you've never heard them. They rock.
Hope you feel better.