Hello, any and all. The book purge is finished. Now three boxes of books need to find a new home(s). In the process of cataloging the aforementioned hundreds of comics in order to type a list for the comic store owner. Lots of cramped writing hand going on. I've been pretty disciplined about hitting the gym 4 - 5 times a week. The number on the scale (which is just a number, anyhow) remains the same, but the reshaping continues. I like it; and it alleviates stress to boot. In 10 days I go home for my oldest niece's high school graduation. She's been living with my folks since the rest of the family moved to Florida last year in order to finish at the same high school (which I graduated from - eek!! - 24 years ago). I'm so proud and excited and I get to see my sister, brother-in-law and my other two nieces who are coming up for the event. AND I'll have four straight days off of work. And four straight days of home cookin'. Which, of course, will mean more time in the gym upon my return, All around splendid
This is what the world is for, making electricity....
Enjoy. Later, y'all..

This is what the world is for, making electricity....
Enjoy. Later, y'all..