meh....stress and money worries and I've got insomnia.....again....or rather, still....
having an open house at the house i live in now today....which means the place has to be spotless, and I have to get out from 11-4....great, my day off and I can't even spend it at home!
Gave up my shift tonight at work....too fucking tired...and even though I've got money worries, I don't want to wear myself out.
We get the word today for whether or not we get the new townhouse....unless something drastic happens, it's pretty sewn up. I can't believe how sweet this place is....I went to target yesterday shopping for new towels and kitchen stuff (I have a target card I never use).....Damon says i'm "nesting"....maybe he's right!
May have to put off the MMW show since I think we have to pay the first and last month's rent when we sign the lease...That translates to like a grand I have to come up with this week....I can borrow part of it from damon, but with him having to buy a car very shortly and come up with his part of the rent as well, I know he's strapped too....
I should be an adult and just say "oh well, I'll catch them next time...."
But when am I ever that responsible??? Bottom line is this, I haven't seen these guys in over a year...and if I have to go down there alone I will......
There was the hottest Indian (dot on the forehead, not woo-woo) chick at work last night...I think I freaked her out staring at her all night....can't help it, I have a soft spot for desi girls...
that and I need to get laid...
having an open house at the house i live in now today....which means the place has to be spotless, and I have to get out from 11-4....great, my day off and I can't even spend it at home!
Gave up my shift tonight at work....too fucking tired...and even though I've got money worries, I don't want to wear myself out.
We get the word today for whether or not we get the new townhouse....unless something drastic happens, it's pretty sewn up. I can't believe how sweet this place is....I went to target yesterday shopping for new towels and kitchen stuff (I have a target card I never use).....Damon says i'm "nesting"....maybe he's right!
May have to put off the MMW show since I think we have to pay the first and last month's rent when we sign the lease...That translates to like a grand I have to come up with this week....I can borrow part of it from damon, but with him having to buy a car very shortly and come up with his part of the rent as well, I know he's strapped too....
I should be an adult and just say "oh well, I'll catch them next time...."
But when am I ever that responsible??? Bottom line is this, I haven't seen these guys in over a year...and if I have to go down there alone I will......
There was the hottest Indian (dot on the forehead, not woo-woo) chick at work last night...I think I freaked her out staring at her all night....can't help it, I have a soft spot for desi girls...
that and I need to get laid...
My first fiance was named Damon. That's a unique name you don't find too often. He was from Florida too. Maybe it's a Florida thing.
a phunkbitch lol i almost passed out when i saw your picture ashley.