Sometimes it doesn't matter what I do it's the wrong thing. When being alone isn't peaceful anymore I'm pretty sure it's a bad day. I feel like all the worlds problems are my fault. I spend everyday trying to do the least wrong thing.
More Blogs
Friday Nov 13, 2009
For those that haven't read Kristy's blog. We got our own place. It… -
Friday Oct 16, 2009
Things just keep getting better for me. So happy stuck all this out!… -
Wednesday Sep 30, 2009
Still not the most going on to blog about but I may be getting a prom… -
Monday Sep 28, 2009
Still nothing much to talk about... Working too much for not enough b… -
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
Not too much to blog about lately... Been working my ass off! But wo… -
Friday Sep 11, 2009
How is it that just when you think things are going so well you can f… -
Monday Sep 07, 2009
I gave up on trying to fix my laptop but I was able to get everything… -
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
So the new job is going great!!! I've been working 7 days a week whi… -
Wednesday Jul 29, 2009
Fuck you job market!!! -
Thursday Jul 23, 2009
Had a good time at the parents! Back to NJ tomorrow to hang out with…