OMG i had soooo much fun tonight! Quasi rocked! i danced like an epileptic having a grand mal seizure with calvin johnson. he was so funny. it was weird. i was standing in front of the stage watching the band that played before quasi and he started talking to me then we just started rocking out. ian mackaye from minor threat/fugazi fame was there hanging... Read More
yey, quasi is playing tonight! i fucking love them. my old best hs friend is coming over tommorrow. yipee! i haven't seen her forever. we used to be inseperable. i remember in our old honors english class we had to do "risk" projects. ours was to stay seperate for one week. it never worked, we cheated throughout the whole thing. it'll be really nice to... Read More
don't u hate it when you have friends that think that they can use you just because they know that you love them; they think that they can get away with totally fucking you because you'll always be around? i am so fucking sick of it. i refuse to play the game. i want friends that are going to respect me and treat me the... Read More
while Bijou makes a good point, I believe that our journal is somewhere for us to express ourselves without fear of reprimand. then again, this community has a real high-schooly feel to it. and more importantly, it's none of my damn business. I'll shut up now.
bijou, you don't know who it is, so what does it matter? i wrote this in my journal, not yours. and thank you, i have tried to talk to the person but the only way she seems to communicate these days is through this website.
tonight fucking sucked! my car broke down in the MOST undesirable place. I called all my friends, hoping that one of them could bale me out but no one was around. i had to sit around for HOURS until my man got off from work and high tailed it to the 'cove to pick me up. i thought i might die in the mean time.... Read More
then again, is there any DESIRABLE place for a vehicle to break down? maybe in the parking lot of Pep Boys, but it's all money wasted. I heard about the hikers; are they ok?
did you call me to save you? i would be useless even if you did. i do nothing but mack and stay up until 8 in the morning. one day i'll be a better friend maybe when i get over this spring fever.
ugh, it was so fucking hot today. i can't wait to go to iceland. nice 70's weather, light 24 hours. yipee!
adam's grandmother asked if i'd try and sell some of her old coins on ebay. i don't know shit about coins so i did a little research on what she had. fuck me, she had a rare 1887 morgan silver dollar worth thousands! um,... Read More
Yeah Aaron Cometbus really got me through that angsty-adolescent stage of life...I love him. I used to peer in kinkos late at in the hopes that he might be working, but I never found him.
lately I have been reading a lot of 8 Ball comics...oh and you should pick up a copy of William Upski's Bombing the Suburbs if you haven't yet...its awsome
i can't believe this weekend is over already. i DO NOT want to go to school tommorrow, but i'm glad i only have one 3 hour night class. i've been bumming all weekend and didn't get shit done homework wise. i'm ready to pay people to finish my school work. especially my internet health class. what a fucking joke. nothing but busy work.
if find it curious you never respond in my journal sister...pills sound lovely. hey, i wanna put a picture of us together in my candids. do you have one you could send me? and do you have all those other nekkid picture of me? i left at sghq during the sleepover. they've moved and i can't get them back. love you! ginger
i had a totally humbling week. last night after hanging out
w/my best friend went down to berbati's for the quasi show.
it took forever to find parking (and i was getting pissed),
but finally got down there. it seemed pretty fucking mellow
for a show night, but after finding my little internet
printout with my online ticket info on it and presenting it
to... Read More
heeeey cutie,
yeah tatu suck (he he)
turkey won . . . .
peeps should have flashing neon lights above there heads . . . . so peeps dont get in the fuck what have i just said situation . . . . u didnt know and im sure they realise that . . . . . and think ur a sweety for sendin card and flowers . . . .
yey! i got my physics test back and i got 44 out of 50 right! i was so freaked that i flunked it. if i would have gotten a "c" i woulda been happy. ugh, i have so much homework i could fucking die. only a couple more weeks left, i hope i can pull it off and graduate. i have a couple incompletes to... Read More
i am so ready for school to be over! i'm just freaked out that i'm gonna flunk my physics class and not be able to graduate. so stressful! this past week i have been slaving away on 3 publications. my rock 'n' roll camp for girls story and layout came out really well, i can't wait for the magazine to come out in a couple... Read More
The Beltane Papers (or TBP as we like to call it) comes out 3 times a year (used to be quarterly, but we couldn't hack it). It's all completely volunteer-produced. Powell's carries it, and I think Borders. We also have a website, naturally: