So I started a new job yesterday and today we had to break into groups and act out a commercial. Some how my idea was chossen, basically I turned santa clause from a jolly old elf in a sleigh to a drunken pervert in a white windowless pedo van. My future children will be so fucked up about christmas.
More Blogs
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
So sorry to my SG mates for taking so long to post a new update. Lots… -
Wednesday Aug 03, 2011
Ok so I just got home from an amazing day with that girl from work wh… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2011
Wow over a month since my last post, been slacking off hardcore. Well… -
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
Had a gnarly day yesterday, hung out with Heather again and met her f… -
Thursday Jun 02, 2011
Digging life right now. Hope it keeps going like it has been.<--No… -
Monday May 30, 2011
Awesome show last night! Started with The Pear Device. They looked an… -
Sunday May 29, 2011
Badass show!! Pics and more info tomorrow when I'm sober. <---Sobe… -
Sunday May 29, 2011
Quick update before the fun begins. TIme to celebrate my birthday wit… -
Thursday May 26, 2011
Had a great night last night with Heather, even though a nieghboor of… -
Friday May 20, 2011
Open invite to all my mates here on SG: If you don't get raptured tod…
I always end up being a smartass when I have to do them.