Not sick anymore.
Saw Circle of Dead Children and Dying Fetus last night. Wicked.
I got my ass kicked by a girl. Yep.
Me and my two friends were standing behind the pit and whatnot, and there was this hardcore girl infront of us. She didn't move the entire time, but when Pissing in the Mainstream came on she started HARDCORE dancing to a fucking deathmetal song. Low and behold, her swingfisting swung back directly into my face. I bled profusely, but I thought it was hillarious and continued to drip my blood everywhere. I loved it. I can't remember the last time someone made me bleed.
Life has been full of stress, and I'm extremely sleep deprived. Meh.
I added a picture of me and Ina, the hot German girl in my profile. I miss her. Fuck distance.
Update: New Pictures ... sorta' ... same as all the rest but yeah. Fruit Cake ... or so Harmony's sister says ... I was like whatever ... take it easy all!
Saw Circle of Dead Children and Dying Fetus last night. Wicked.
I got my ass kicked by a girl. Yep.
Me and my two friends were standing behind the pit and whatnot, and there was this hardcore girl infront of us. She didn't move the entire time, but when Pissing in the Mainstream came on she started HARDCORE dancing to a fucking deathmetal song. Low and behold, her swingfisting swung back directly into my face. I bled profusely, but I thought it was hillarious and continued to drip my blood everywhere. I loved it. I can't remember the last time someone made me bleed.
Life has been full of stress, and I'm extremely sleep deprived. Meh.
I added a picture of me and Ina, the hot German girl in my profile. I miss her. Fuck distance.
Update: New Pictures ... sorta' ... same as all the rest but yeah. Fruit Cake ... or so Harmony's sister says ... I was like whatever ... take it easy all!
that girl is so pretty. distance totally sucks. i would like to kick distance in the ass. *ka-pOw*