Ever since I started eating better [no sodas/fastfood/microwave], living better, thinking better, just being happy, even more so, with everything I have, can do and realized I am capable of achieving HUGE AMAZING DREAMS. . .
I thought I would share this because there's always this underlying knowledge in the universe that everyone feels at some point when they see someone succeed. And I don't just mean financially or famously, I also mean like when Jimmy Page plays White Summer at Royal Albert Hall on January 9th, 1970 or when you see a street performer get a dollar thrown in their hat. There is always this underlying knowledge and spark of thought that goes something like, "Hey, I can do that. . . if they can do that then I can totally do that too. I can become a famous guitarist. I can make a dollar performing on the streets. I can let it all out and really EXPRESS whats inside of me just like they are doing right in front of me. . ."
Okay, the thought may not be THAT long but you should know what I mean. It's basically, "If they can do it then so can I!" And you can. It's all a matter of what you do in that one tiny golden spark of a moment where you get to decide whether you're going to or not. Nothing else in your life really comes to mind. Bills, cars, home, family, friends. . . none of it comes to mind in that one tiny golden moment. Nothing there but pure passion and curiosity. Confidence.
Its what you do in that moment when nothing is there but the emotions and drive that makes all the difference in the universe. You keep going straight or make a sharp turn right. Who knows, maybe you go left.
I start my days now by turning up music pretty loud, making it pretty rude and dancing. I give attention to a wonderful soul, beautiful light and he mentioned this crazy idea of starting off the day with music and dancing. CRAZY, I know. But being such a complete music lover and avid dancer, haha, I couldn't resist and realized that I didn't remember when the last time I danced at sunrise was. So now I start my days, whether I'm waking up or just going to sleep, by dancing to loud music and I feel incredible. I feel so much more in tune with who I am and how I want everything to be. Music and dancing are two extremely powerful acts for those doing them or watching them. It's quite an experience. . .
I sing more. I dance more. I smile more. I worry more. I love more. I LIVE MORE.
I am so happy with how my life is and how bright I shine nowadays. I shine much brighter then I used to and I only wish I did all of this earlier! Haha
We're all so capable of doing great and HUGE things with our lives and ourselves that I just wanted to share all of this happiness so that if you're looking for that extra little push to go for greatness in your life then you'll find it here.
I used to think as Jack White did when he was starting out. Seeing great people and musicians. Artists. And thinking that this whole world of amazing things and experiences had opened up to me and thinking, "Well, how do I get there? Am I allowed to get there?" You know? And the answer will ALWAYS be yes even when it feels like every single individual person is screaming at you, "NO!!" We're all allowed to get there. . . we just have to work our fucking asses off to get there. We have to struggle and feel pain but we'll all be better for it.
I believe in myself more than I ever have.
I want you to believe in yourself too. I want to see you there. I want to hold your hand on stage and sing along with you. Vice versa.
I'm going to create art, music, and love.
I'm going to paint this universe with my light and love. . .
I love you.
I thought I would share this because there's always this underlying knowledge in the universe that everyone feels at some point when they see someone succeed. And I don't just mean financially or famously, I also mean like when Jimmy Page plays White Summer at Royal Albert Hall on January 9th, 1970 or when you see a street performer get a dollar thrown in their hat. There is always this underlying knowledge and spark of thought that goes something like, "Hey, I can do that. . . if they can do that then I can totally do that too. I can become a famous guitarist. I can make a dollar performing on the streets. I can let it all out and really EXPRESS whats inside of me just like they are doing right in front of me. . ."
Okay, the thought may not be THAT long but you should know what I mean. It's basically, "If they can do it then so can I!" And you can. It's all a matter of what you do in that one tiny golden spark of a moment where you get to decide whether you're going to or not. Nothing else in your life really comes to mind. Bills, cars, home, family, friends. . . none of it comes to mind in that one tiny golden moment. Nothing there but pure passion and curiosity. Confidence.
Its what you do in that moment when nothing is there but the emotions and drive that makes all the difference in the universe. You keep going straight or make a sharp turn right. Who knows, maybe you go left.
I start my days now by turning up music pretty loud, making it pretty rude and dancing. I give attention to a wonderful soul, beautiful light and he mentioned this crazy idea of starting off the day with music and dancing. CRAZY, I know. But being such a complete music lover and avid dancer, haha, I couldn't resist and realized that I didn't remember when the last time I danced at sunrise was. So now I start my days, whether I'm waking up or just going to sleep, by dancing to loud music and I feel incredible. I feel so much more in tune with who I am and how I want everything to be. Music and dancing are two extremely powerful acts for those doing them or watching them. It's quite an experience. . .
I sing more. I dance more. I smile more. I worry more. I love more. I LIVE MORE.
I am so happy with how my life is and how bright I shine nowadays. I shine much brighter then I used to and I only wish I did all of this earlier! Haha
We're all so capable of doing great and HUGE things with our lives and ourselves that I just wanted to share all of this happiness so that if you're looking for that extra little push to go for greatness in your life then you'll find it here.
I used to think as Jack White did when he was starting out. Seeing great people and musicians. Artists. And thinking that this whole world of amazing things and experiences had opened up to me and thinking, "Well, how do I get there? Am I allowed to get there?" You know? And the answer will ALWAYS be yes even when it feels like every single individual person is screaming at you, "NO!!" We're all allowed to get there. . . we just have to work our fucking asses off to get there. We have to struggle and feel pain but we'll all be better for it.
I believe in myself more than I ever have.
I want you to believe in yourself too. I want to see you there. I want to hold your hand on stage and sing along with you. Vice versa.
I'm going to create art, music, and love.
I'm going to paint this universe with my light and love. . .
I love you.

Awesome blog. Very encouraging thoughts. I hope more people get to see this today.