So, I Have a few new things going on....I'm getting my ebay business going full scale..I've already sold a few things just to get started and used to the ropes again. As soon as I get a postage scale and a Digicam I'm never working for anyone ever again. I'm going to sell all Music and Movie memorbillia and Vintage clothing. Possibly some Computer stuff too. Besides that I'm going to be making a new website deticated to only me and poor people all over the wrold..and for the only purpose is for people to donate money to us.
I have a pretty sad story so I think it will fly. I'm sure it will make many people laugh but some people do care. I just need to get the right Domain name for the job...some guy wanted 1850 for can you belive that junk....
If anyone hear has any good ideas for a domain name please let me know

If anyone hear has any good ideas for a domain name please let me know

good seeing ya last night!
How about: