Not much to say. ..My legs are killing me...I took an unexpected trip to yellow springs today with Poe, and we went on a walk in the woods...lots of steps..needs i say more.
So tomorrow...getogether time I geuss...So i'm getting exicted about all the fun stuff thats planned for the weekend...I geuss I'll post all what happened when I get back.
So tomorrow...getogether time I geuss...So i'm getting exicted about all the fun stuff thats planned for the weekend...I geuss I'll post all what happened when I get back.
lucky! i love walks and i haven't been on one in forever! i tried to take one last weekend, but it was late and i didn't know where i was (and i was drunk-as-fuck) so i missed out...hopefully this weekend will be good for walks as well....i'm going to haunted trails...woowee halloween!