felt the breeze pass through me on the cliffs of the gower. a rugged grassy walk through oxwich to the open oceans beside southern wales. i am so in love my heart is madly broken. i laugh and cry and the world. the grass feels like home between my toes.
in the morn i will climb aboard the giant silver bird and land in my new home. my body is alive with all the energy of constant movement. two months. hum. thats the longest i have been anywhere for the past 18 months. i guess thats why my body has passed through to the other side. [see photo] to stroll through the heath in the...
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Where in the world are you now?
London? I will be there in a few weeks...
Tomorrow I leave for Spain, and I will be homeless for a good 3 months or so, but you can send that CD my way, and my roommates will forward it to me at some point! Keep on making beautiful music!
Tomorrow I leave for Spain, and I will be homeless for a good 3 months or so, but you can send that CD my way, and my roommates will forward it to me at some point! Keep on making beautiful music!
the wind is howling and throwing rain like knives of lightning in the yard. sound is a constant hum of energy. the sun is falling in strobing shapes on the blinds and wooden floors and outside is alive!
freeform radio: check out wfmu.org and wxyc.org...the two best freeform radio stations on earth. I'd explain further and get into more detail, but it's 2:30 in the morning, and I need to get to sleep.
Creepest profile pic EVA! Thumbs up man.

the ocean breeze is blowin' right my way and for some reason winter has turned into the golden age of sunshine. arctic loners rock has become sunshine day. next week i will be wandering through the heath with a head full of nothing and a sigh of relief escaping me with the soils of a new home under foot. oh the sound of sweet birdies...
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thank you.
antarctica! wow!
antarctica! wow!
hey! the sun is shining bright into my windows making geometrical shapes upon my wooden floor. the dusty rises and falls with a timeless beauty. i have a smile a mile wide. where has mr sun been hiding? shit the grass is really green and so nice between my toes. and this is a winters day..apparently. yay for the sunshine.

sounds like you are having a wonderful day. you should move to where i live you'll have more fucking sunshine than you'll know what to do with.
[Edited on Jul 13, 2004 4:48PM]
[Edited on Jul 13, 2004 4:48PM]
sunshine. it's so nice. i'm starting to miss winter. i love winter days where it's quite cold, but the sky is clear. i'm trying to find a place to host my recording. it's rather long, and the recording is a little too hot. i'll let you when i get it up.
had cabin fever today with this cold weather. had to get moving so i took a skate downtown to these ace banks and had me a seesion. now i got myself some injuries that look alarmingly like stigmata. ouch. damn little pebbles, where do they come from anyways? listened to the germs while i skated. fucken rolling thunder. viva los darby....

thank you so much for commenting my set. your words really made my day........hey......are you becoming a saint????

...making some serious headway with my new record. it is called 'tones and ellipses' and has taken me the best part of the year so far. lucky the weather has changed as i am so fucking inspired by the rainy season. to me my listening pleasure extends fully into those wet and blustery days when i can walk with a big coat on as the...
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Thank you thank you thank you for the MP3...I love it. I would love anything else you can send.

wow. i'm glad you like the rain 'cause i fucking hate it. good to be inspired though. those momments are few and far between for me.
i once heard the song of a thousand secret birds. their throats were long and rang like splintering glaciers. i was full of sound. there was no me....but i guess i just woke up to the mornin' sun and felt like smiling.
......and this quietude is not silence. not altogether. there is a forest of masts on the horizon and these knees quiver in the icy gusts. like a pendulum the sun hangs behind metallic clouds. it is new. and some seeing eyes watch the sea below. my heart is with my love aboard the creaking schooner. there is hunger. but it burns at the deep of...
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I lost myself readin' your journal...but It sounds so good!

studying electronics is very nerdy ; )
i'll destroy my brain in the holidays. it will be fantastic. no more of those pesky brains for semester two! they could get in the way..
[Edited on Jun 19, 2004 3:19AM]
i'll destroy my brain in the holidays. it will be fantastic. no more of those pesky brains for semester two! they could get in the way..

[Edited on Jun 19, 2004 3:19AM]
buried ship - inaccessable storm
iceberg carved among the snows
waves of sunken time
clusters of mirror, foundations of tempest
thrones and dominions are thus.
gale held on the slope
collar of the subjugated snows
cluster of salt, scratched moon
buried under the architecture
of lost eagles.
the parallel sheets of wind
burst out like a living lake
knives of lightning scatter
window of mists...
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iceberg carved among the snows
waves of sunken time
clusters of mirror, foundations of tempest
thrones and dominions are thus.
gale held on the slope
collar of the subjugated snows
cluster of salt, scratched moon
buried under the architecture
of lost eagles.
the parallel sheets of wind
burst out like a living lake
knives of lightning scatter
window of mists...
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We played at a place called Muryokumuzenji. It was tiny. It reminded me of someone's really dirty college apartment. There was loads of Hello Kitty and Miffy goods, along with girls' undies hanging everywhere. I know a few people in Tokyo...after all, something like half of Japan's population lives in Tokyo, right? Ooooh...Kyoto! Now there is a town I can get excited about! I love it there! Do you remember where you played?
Also, are you originally from where you said you were from?
Also, are you originally from where you said you were from?
I will be wondering 'round those same places! I leave at the end of August...perhaps I'll run into you...It is a small world, after all.
I love onsens, too. What better idea is there to get naked and get clean for hours...in REALLY beautiful scenery. I hear the 'onsens' in Iceland are really amazing, too. I would love to go there some day.
I love onsens, too. What better idea is there to get naked and get clean for hours...in REALLY beautiful scenery. I hear the 'onsens' in Iceland are really amazing, too. I would love to go there some day.
i spend too much time right here and not enough time out there. i have become an android. i dream of ice caps and snowy things. an icicle i be.

Well color me uninformed. I hadn't heard about that show.
We play at ERA pretty often, actually. ERA and Nest are two of our favorite venues, when they are kind enough to invite us. The ticket prices tend to be a bit steep, though.
The VIP lounge at ERA makes you feel like a fuckin rock star, though.
We play at ERA pretty often, actually. ERA and Nest are two of our favorite venues, when they are kind enough to invite us. The ticket prices tend to be a bit steep, though.
The VIP lounge at ERA makes you feel like a fuckin rock star, though.
i took an early walk through a big park kicking the fall leaves around and laughing to myself. i felt the breeze, i skipped among my family of beautiful growing things and heard the songs of distant swallows and sparrows falling from the sky. i lay in the grass for sometime and fell into the deep rest. i dreamt of a single snow flake falling....
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Hello! Are you really in Antartica? It makes sense that it would be Fall there...I will soon be experiencing south-of-the -equator weather, as well.
kickass, you know Bardo Pond, and you like my Bood Valentine.

Thank you!