sat, feb 12 | 10:00 | underground | toledo, oh - with grand buffet, stylex and mc habitat. this might be the toledo show to end all toledo shows if you know what i'm sayin', assholes. this is a Taking on Explosives event. if this ain't love, baby just say so...
The Underground
209 Superior St.
Toledo, Ohio 43604
Downtown, underneath the Club Bijou Theatre
Use the back entrance off Frogtown Alley
capacity 300, 18+ unless otherwise noted
Party Dream
Come see UltimateDonny and Gil Mantera get some dirty Party Dream freak on.
sat, feb 12 | 10:00 | underground | toledo, oh - with grand buffet, stylex and mc habitat. this might be the toledo show to end all toledo shows if you know what i'm sayin', assholes. this is a Taking on Explosives event. if this ain't love, baby just say so...
The Underground
209 Superior St.
Toledo, Ohio 43604
Downtown, underneath the Club Bijou Theatre
Use the back entrance off Frogtown Alley
capacity 300, 18+ unless otherwise noted