Zora reminded me of when she was tiny by climbing under the covers to wake me up today... May 22, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email babal: OOOOH, sooo cute *-* May 22, 2015
The plane, boss! The plane! May 10, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email There are many more where these came from but I am unsure of posting them...
My favorite image of myself. May 10, 2015 8 Facebook Tweet Email colchicine: Nice one! Hope you used sun screen and didn't get too much sun damage! May 12, 2015
Hey look what I found, BBQ'd me! There is a story here... May 5, 2015 4 Facebook Tweet Email mint: Gorgeous boy May 5, 2015 1 ghostedmentality: This was... 5ish years ago? Somewhere around there, anyway. I had never been so sunburnt, it was more than a little gross. May 5, 2015
Zora seems bored. Apr 1, 2015 4 Facebook Tweet Email ghostedmentality: She was hanging out on a friends bed while we discussed photography. Apparently she was bored of us. Apr 1, 2015