This past week, a gentleman told me, in a single breath, that he is so jealous of the lifestyle Taylor and I have chosen for ourselves, what with the travel and the freedom that it brings... and that we are living our lives wrong. That we should sell our Camper and get rid of our dogs because we are too young to live like this, too young to not be slaving away living in a hole in the ground. You see, he explained, we will regret this freedom and all of these memories because when we grow old, we will not have the luxury to retire and move about as we wish.
Well I have to tell you all something: while, for the most part, I generally do not identify with the bulk of my millennial peers, that is exactly what Taylor and I are. Like most millennials, no matter what we do, retirement in the sense of pre-millennial generations will more than likely never be a reality for us. There are some exceptions, those that have achieved great success and will be able to cash in on a system that was not actually designed for them. Congrats to you and I wish you the best that life can give you, truly.
For those sitting back here with the rest of us, we have all but accepted that poverty level living is going to be our lot in life barring some unbelievable stroke of luck and fortune combined with a nearly providence level break in the chain of horrible executive and political decisions being passed down from on high. So we ask you all this: why the hell would we give up our will to travel and be free, to see the world, to live and love as we see fit, through the same thick and thin that would be present even if we chose a permanent 9-5 to rot in? If the life and ways we have chosen for ourselves inspires such envy and longing in someone who makes triple what either of us makes in half the time it takes us to make it... what sense is there in deciding to turn in our luggage and sit the rest of our lives out in favor of a system of wage slavery designed to keep us there until our eventual sad, unremarkable deaths.
Hey, I'm glad if any one of you have found a place you are happy to settle with in life. I am thrilled for your comfort.... but... what has it cost you? A man in his fifties who has worked hard all his life making great money... has nothing to show for it. Life threw him too many curveballs and things just didn't work the way he had planned and worked and saved for.... but we are young and shouldn't have what he wants to have since he worked all his life away searching for it... for nothing
"No body is going to rent to you if you have dogs... get rid of them. You can own dogs when you own your own house!" Right, because happiness and companionship is the sole property of the financially successful. The love of a pet should only be available to the wealthy and propertied. No, sir, I really do not think so. The fact that we have dogs may make finding a place more difficult, but the very fact that we value our pups over someone's opinions or discrimination shows a fair amount of favor to our credibility as good pet owners. They are fed, they are happy, spoiled, and regularly cuddled. Zora is well trained and Grimm will get there, he is only a year old. If I can control my animals with or without verbal commands while most others can barely wrestle their animals into compliance, I think I am doing pretty well.
Looking into our current situation, I know many people are skeptical and more inclined to judge or criticize... but let me tell you a secret: I have never been happier. Taylor and I laugh and joke, smile and goof off, and spend countless hours quietly and happily enjoying one another's company along with our furry companions. We are not rich, the poverty line is so far above us we could almost compare our financial situation to looking up from the bottom of the Challenger Deep. However, we are intelligent people who are absolutely unafraid to work, we always manage and we do so while having a freedom that most will simply never risk enough of their complacent comfort to have. We have regular food and water because we know how and where to find it. We don't take advantage of government assistance, we don't beg or steal, and what we have borrowed we have always paid back in some way or another.
Sometimes I get really sick of living so far below what I might call a comfortable level of wealth, where I could have anything I want by simply slaving along some more until I save up the money... yeah I might like that. But then I remember how bored out of my gourd I end up after spending too much time stuck in that loop. Inevitably something happens and I lose all that Ive worked for and I restart from scratch anyway. So why do that to myself?
Seriously though I could rant all year about this but it wont change a thing. Biggest take away here: do what makes you happy and give it your all, no reservations. On top of that, just as importantly, let everybody else do the same.