God damnit, I just found out Brando died, this bums me out.
So far my time on the box has been cool, reading a bunch of good books. Everyone needs to pick up Life and Limb: skateboarders write from the deepend, it's an awesome awesome read. Other than that I've been watching a bunch of movies and laying around in my boxers all day for the past week. I aint goin nowhere so why even get dressed right?
Today I get out from 8am-4pm to do "grocery shopping and laundry", yea, we'll do that
So after I went to see my PO about setting up my hours to buff walls I'm here at my pops' using the computer, then probably go record shopping and try to get to park before I get locked back inside. Oh well, I get to go back to work tomorrow so at least I will be getting out of the apartment on a regular basis from now on. Spend a week inside without going outside at all except once on your balcony for an hour on the sixth day, shit's weird.....

So far my time on the box has been cool, reading a bunch of good books. Everyone needs to pick up Life and Limb: skateboarders write from the deepend, it's an awesome awesome read. Other than that I've been watching a bunch of movies and laying around in my boxers all day for the past week. I aint goin nowhere so why even get dressed right?
Today I get out from 8am-4pm to do "grocery shopping and laundry", yea, we'll do that

yea the jersey shore does suck ass.....i've been to beaches in virginia,cali,and puerto rico,so i know they are nice just not jersey's......GAAH the thought makes me fuckin flinch!