Well I go get my balls snipped on Monday so I can't have anymore kids(girls I should say). I know this is what I want but I do have a little doubt and that is only cause I don't have a son. But my last child is on the way and the baby just came at the wrong time. Not only that but this will be my fourth girl
Don't get me wrong I love all my girls and I DO take care of them but as a man, 1 boy would have been nice. I just can't take another chance of having another girl!
On the good side of it I don't have to worry about getting anyone pregnant ever again. Not that I run around sticking it in everthing that crosses my path.
The funny thing about this is I didn't relize that after I have this done that after four weeks and eight weeks I have to go back and bring in specimens of my semen. What make it bad is that the woman at the front desk asked me if I was the father of my youngest girl. So I have to walk in and hand her my semen.
I know that they are professinol and all but it's just wierd.
Anyway wish me luck!

On the good side of it I don't have to worry about getting anyone pregnant ever again. Not that I run around sticking it in everthing that crosses my path.
The funny thing about this is I didn't relize that after I have this done that after four weeks and eight weeks I have to go back and bring in specimens of my semen. What make it bad is that the woman at the front desk asked me if I was the father of my youngest girl. So I have to walk in and hand her my semen.

Anyway wish me luck!

Wow, four girls! You poor poor thing - I has 5 sisters... brace yourself for their teenage years
Good luck though!